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I'm trying to piece all of the elements together to build workflows with your APIs, but there are some gaps in my understanding that I need to fill in.

I'm trying to piece all of the elements together to build workflows with your APIs, but there are some gaps in my understanding that I need to fill in.

I'm testing out the API calls against my sandbox and trying to trigger the "2 Different IP Countries in 1 hour" rule, but I seem to be missing a step. These are the steps I tried.

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Reply to: How to trigger "2 Different IP Countries in 1 hour"?

0 votes

No sensitive data here, all test data.

These are the register, login, and validate payloads I used for the original path.

To simulate the phishing attempt, I changed clientIP to "" in login and validate, and I changed sessionID to "00000002" in validate.

Reply to:

0 votes

Thank you for your response. When I change the eventType to LoginAttempt, the Russian IP address gets the riskResponseCode of 2 and a sessionStatus of unknown, and I can see that the rule was fired in the Risk Analytics dashboard. So that answers my original question, and now I see that the parent rule's campaign criteria is set up to trigger on LoginAttempt, so I understand why it needed to change.

I do get the 409 response from the generate-secure-challenge API, but that's expected behavior. I haven't yet installed your Android app on my phone and performed the activation. That's next on my list.

The AdaptiveRegisterUserInput works fine for me. However, when I try to log in with the AdaptiveLoginInput, I get a 500 error code response, and I didn't see any indication of what I might have done wrong. I attached the JSON payloads for both calls.


Reply to: Digipass Activation Workflow with Platform API's

0 votes

Request and response bodies for /user/register are attached.

My question is more about what workflow to follow to activate a digipass. The API sandbox lists all of the API's, but I can't find a doc that says what order I need to call them to implement specific workflows, and I have questions about what I'm supposed to pass in for some of the arguments.



Topics Replies Freshness Views Users

I'm trying to piece all of the elements together to build workflows with your APIs, but there are some gaps in my understanding that I need to fill in.

2 1 year 2 months ago 170

I'm trying to piece all of the elements together to build workflows with your APIs, but there are some gaps in my understanding that I need to fill in.

8 1 year 8 months ago 442
Profile picture for user pvdbor

I'm testing out the API calls against my sandbox and trying to trigger the "2 Different IP Countries in 1 hour" rule, but I seem to be missing a step. These are the steps I tried.

7 4 years 2 months ago 173

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