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Hi All, Any one have an idea , how to integrate the esign live with Oracle Database(PL/SQL)). I have searched and not able to find anything on this. Regards Mathew

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Reply to: esign live intergation project with Oracle DB(PL/SQL)

0 votes
Hi Haris, Thanks for your reply. The integration what i mean is to integrate our application with esign line. Our application is running out in Oracle DB and the programming language can be use is pl/sql. Iam totally new on this esignlive and the not aware on the Technical architecture or functional. If you have some idea or do you have some document, how the end to end data flow will work. If we are able to get the flow, its easy to code from the DB side. Regards Mathew

Reply to: esign live intergation project with Oracle DB(PL/SQL)

0 votes
Hi Haris, I am getting below response after sending the document to the server. I am not sure, whether I am doing the right process or not. {"messageKey":"error.validation.invalidJson","technical":"Unrecognized token 'JVBERi0xLjQNCjEgMCBvYmoNCjw8DQovQ3JlYXRvciAoT3JhY2xlMTFnUjEgQVMgUmVwb3J0cyBTZXJ2aWNlcykNCi9DcmVhdGlvbkRhdGUgKEQ6MjAxNjExMTYxMTE1MDcpDQovTW9kRGF0ZSAoRDoyMDE2MTExNjExMTUwNykNCi9Qcm9kdWNlciAoT3JhY2xlIFBERiBkcml2ZXIpDQovVGl0bGUgKGxvY2FsLnBkZikNCi9BdXRob3IgKE9yYWNsZSBSZXBvcnRzKQ0KPj4NCmVuZG9iag0KNSAwIG9iag0KPDwvTGVuZ3RoIDYgMCBSDQovRmlsdGVyIFsvQVNDSUk4NURlY29kZSAvRmxhdGVEZWNvZGVdDQo': was expecting ('true', 'false' or 'null')\n at [Source:; line: 1, column: 380]","message":"Invalid JSON.","code":400,"name":"Validation Error"} status code: 400 reason phrase: Bad Request regards Mathew

Reply to: esign live intergation project with Oracle DB(PL/SQL)

0 votes
Dear Haris, Please find below the code which i am trying to do it in my application. 1. p_data_in is the PDF file which i converted to clob 2. I am not sure whether the steps which i am doing is correct or not. Can you please go though and correct me. 3. Do we need to convert the JSON to Encrypted base 64 before submit to http post? Procedure eSignLive_http_post_E ( p_url_in in varchar2 default '' ,p_data_in in clob ,p_data_type in varchar2 ,p_proxy_in in varchar2 default null ,p_no_proxy_domains_in in varchar2 default null ,p_username_in in varchar2 default null ,p_password_in in varchar2 default null ,v_response out varchar2 ) is l_http_req1 utl_http.req; l_http_resp1 utl_http.resp; l_http_req_pdf utl_http.req; l_http_resp_pdf utl_http.resp; l_my_scheme varchar2(256); l_my_realm varchar2(256); l_my_proxy boolean; vDataIn clob; nStart NUMBER := 1; nEnd NUMBER := 22500; nClobLength NUMBER; vChunkData clob; vChunkData_json clob; nLength NUMBER := 1; l_text VARCHAR2(32767); nSessionId Number; v_json_sign clob; l_basic_base64 varchar2(2000); l_raw RAW(32767); nClobLength_json number; nLength_json number:=1; begin vDataIn := p_data_in; v_json_sign:='{ "roles": [ { "locked": false, "emailMessage": { "content": "" }, "attachmentRequirements": [], "reassign": false, "specialTypes": [], "id": "Sender", "data": null, "type": "SIGNER", "index": 0, "signers": [ { "auth": { "challenges": [], "scheme": "NONE" }, "company": "Silanis", "firstName": "MATHEW", "lastName": "THOMAS", "phone": "", "email": "[email protected]", "knowledgeBasedAuthentication": null, "language": "en", "title": "Silanis", "external": null, "professionalIdentityFields": [], "userCustomFields": [], "delivery": { "email": true, "provider": false, "download": true }, "group": null, "signature": null, "address": null, "data": null, "name": "", "specialTypes": [] } ], "name": "Sender" }, { "locked": false, "emailMessage": { "content": "" }, "attachmentRequirements": [], "reassign": false, "specialTypes": [], "id": "Signer", "data": null, "type": "SIGNER", "index": 0, "signers": [ { "auth": { "challenges": [], "scheme": "NONE" }, "company": "OLAM", "firstName": "SABARI", "lastName": "PRASANNAKUMAR", "phone": "123456", "email": "[email protected]", "knowledgeBasedAuthentication": null, "language": "en", "title": "", "external": null, "professionalIdentityFields": [], "userCustomFields": [], "delivery": { "email": false, "provider": false, "download": false }, "group": null, "id": "Signer", "signature": null, "address": null, "data": null, "name": "", "specialTypes": [] } ], "name": "Signer" } ], "documents": [ { "approvals": [ { "role": "Signer", "signed": null, "accepted": null, "data": null, "fields": [ { "page": 0, "subtype": "FULLNAME", "width": 200, "binding": null, "extract": false, "extractAnchor": null, "left": 175, "top": 165, "validation": null, "height": 50, "data": null, "type": "SIGNATURE", "value": "" } ], "name": "" }, { "role": "Sender", "signed": null, "accepted": null, "data": null, "fields": [ { "page": 0, "subtype": "FULLNAME", "width": 200, "binding": null, "extract": false, "extractAnchor": null, "left": 550, "top": 165, "validation": null, "height": 50, "data": null, "type": "SIGNATURE", "value": "" } ], "name": "" } ], "name": "sampleAgreement" } ], "name": "Test Package REST OLAM", "type": "PACKAGE", "language": "en", "emailMessage": "", "description": "New Package", "autoComplete": true, "status": "SENT" }'; if (p_proxy_in is not null) and (p_no_proxy_domains_in is not null) then utl_http.set_proxy(p_proxy_in, p_no_proxy_domains_in); End if; utl_http.set_wallet('file:D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\BIN\owm\wallets', 'MyPass123'); utl_http.set_response_error_check(FALSE); Utl_Http.set_detailed_excp_support (TRUE ); l_basic_base64:='MyAPIKey'; nClobLength := length(vDataIn); nClobLength:=nClobLength+length(v_json_sign); l_http_req1 := utl_http.begin_request (p_url_in, 'POST',UTL_HTTP.HTTP_VERSION_1_1); utl_http.set_header (l_http_req1,'Authorization','Basic '||l_basic_base64); utl_http.set_header(l_http_req1, 'User-Agent', 'Mozilla/4.0'); utl_http.set_header(l_http_req1, 'content-type', 'application/json; esl-api-version=11.0; charset=UTF-8'); utl_http.set_header(l_http_req1, 'content-disposition', 'form-data; name="fname"; filename="olamcontracts.pdf"' ); utl_http.set_header(l_http_req1, 'X-Atlassian-Token', 'nocheck'); utl_http.set_header(l_http_req1, 'content-length', nClobLength); utl_http.set_header ( l_http_req1, 'Transfer-Encoding', 'chunked' ); if nClobLength


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Hi All, Any one have an idea , how to integrate the esign live with Oracle Database(PL/SQL)). I have searched and not able to find anything on this. Regards Mathew
7 7 years 5 months ago 61
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