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Hi, I'm looking for a way to modify a signers first or last name as well as email after they've begun signing documents. Is this at all possible?
Hi, I'm just looking for the latest list of all available back office changes that can be applied to our accounts and can't seem to find it anywhere after searching the
Hi, We're investigating to moving to the new package/layout designer and had some questions. In our sandbox environment the new designer displays a option to chat with eSignLive support.
Hi, We’ve been noticing some odd behaviour in the layout designer recently. We’ve seen the signatures displayed below where they should be when first opening the designer and also seen the signat
Hi, I've created a layout containing a signature with all available fields (Signing Date, Date, Signer Name, Signer Title, Signer Company, Text Field, Checkbox, List, Radio, Text Area, and Label) us

Replies Created

Reply to: Cloning a Layout

0 votes
Having an issue using the above code for one specific layout. While this code has been working most of the time I ran into an issue when attempting to create a copy of one specific layout. An exception keeps being thrown stating that there are multiple entries with the same key for a field. I’ve looked through the properties of the layout and found a text field for a signature that has the id that the exception states there are multiple entries for, but no other fields with the same id. The same call is being done with identical layouts without any exceptions being thrown and is working as intended. I’ve been unable to recreate the issue outside of this one specific layout and wondering if you could provide any further information that could help. Approximate Code being used:
String layoutId = “NljTbsDDTYygDj6vXvMzN3Kszio=”
DocumentPackage layout = eslClient.getPackage(new PackageId(layoutId));
layout.setName(layout.getName() + “-1”);
String clonedLayoutId = eslClient.getLayoutService().createLayout(layout);
layout = eslClient.getPackage(new PackageId(clonedLayoutId));
Exception being thrown:
Caused by: com.silanis.esl.sdk.internal.EslServerException: Could not create layout. Exception: HTTP POST on URI resulted in response with status code: [500, Internal Server Error]. Optional details: {"messageKey":"error.internal.default","technical":"Multiple entries with same key: MF84tvhX2NsV=com.silanis.esl.api.model.Field@31a655ed and MF84tvhX2NsV=com.silanis.esl.api.model.Field@18c0f02f","code":500,"message":"Unexpected error. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you, please try again. If the problem persists, please contact our support team.","name":"Unhandled Server Error"}
	at com.silanis.esl.sdk.service.LayoutService.createLayout(
I can provide the API Key and layout id being used if needed Thanks in advance, Mitch

Reply to: Cloning a Layout

0 votes
That looks whats causing the issue, but I'm now more concerned on how the layout got into this state in the first place. Is this a case of id collision? Is there any way to protect against this in the future or is this just a random chance event?

Reply to: Cloning a Layout

0 votes
This layout specifically was cloned using the same code as above and then had the layout designer window opened where the fields were added, and the original layout was created using this workflow except for adding placeholders instead of signers and adding signatures through the layout designer window instead of being added through the sdk.

Reply to: Removing a Signer after they Decline/Opt-Out

0 votes
Thanks! I knew it had to be in draft mode, but was unsure about altering the partially signed documents. Is there a supported way to complete a package after one of the signers has Declined or Opted-Out of a partially signed package? Or will the package always remain Declined/Opted-Out? Thanks again, Mitch


Topics Replies Freshness Views Users
Hi, I'm looking for a way to modify a signers first or last name as well as email after they've begun signing documents. Is this at all possible?
10 4 years 10 months ago 348
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang
Hi, I'm just looking for the latest list of all available back office changes that can be applied to our accounts and can't seem to find it anywhere after searching the
9 5 years ago 51
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang
Hi, We're investigating to moving to the new package/layout designer and had some questions. In our sandbox environment the new designer displays a option to chat with eSignLive support.
6 5 years 7 months ago 47
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang
Hi, We’ve been noticing some odd behaviour in the layout designer recently. We’ve seen the signatures displayed below where they should be when first opening the designer and also seen the signat
8 5 years 7 months ago 31
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang
Hi, I've created a layout containing a signature with all available fields (Signing Date, Date, Signer Name, Signer Title, Signer Company, Text Field, Checkbox, List, Radio, Text Area, and Label) us
2 5 years 9 months ago 53
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang

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