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I have a question related to some custom fields that we are using in one of our documents we're planning to send through eSignLive for the signature process. At the bottom of the document, we have th
I'm wondering what kind of "out of the box" options eSignLive may have to facilitate a requirement of ours. We are fulfilling the role of sender and the signers are (obviously) filling the role of si
I need some help figuring out how to auto-populate fields in our documents (i.e.
In doing some testing in my sandbox, I noted that if I submit a package with a signer with an invalid email address, early the next morning I got a delivery failure notification to my email inbox. I'
Hi, I am attempting to create a package with multiple documents using the "files[]" multipart form field, but I always get back this message: { "messageKey": "error.validation.package.wrongNumbe

Replies Created

Reply to: PDF Tag to insert

0 votes
Can someone let me know if the "Text Tags" feature has been rolled out yet? And, if so, could I be pointed to a usage example?

Reply to: Uploading multiple documents simultaneously using "files[]"

0 votes
Well, that was a lot easier than I was trying to make it! :D Indeed, it looks like it is just down to order. And "file" (rather than "files[]") worked just fine. Here is a cURL output of the (bare bones) test I created in Postman: curl -X POST \ \ -H 'authorization: Basic >' \ -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \ -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \ -H 'postman-token: 8617b274-e380-33cd-d56f-120536b4fc04' \ -F file=@/Users/hilln/Downloads/pdf-sample.pdf \ -F file=@/Users/hilln/Downloads/pdf-sample.pdf \ -F 'payload={ "status": "DRAFT", "documents": [ { "name": "First File" }, { "name": "Second File" } ] }' Thanks for the help!

Reply to: Email delivery status?

0 votes
Haris - thank you for the info! An event-based solution is actually preferable to the type of solution I was asking about in my original question, so this is perfect! Many thanks - I'll take a look!


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I have a question related to some custom fields that we are using in one of our documents we're planning to send through eSignLive for the signature process. At the bottom of the document, we have th
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I'm wondering what kind of "out of the box" options eSignLive may have to facilitate a requirement of ours. We are fulfilling the role of sender and the signers are (obviously) filling the role of si
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Profile picture for user harishaidary
I need some help figuring out how to auto-populate fields in our documents (i.e.
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Profile picture for user mwilliams
In doing some testing in my sandbox, I noted that if I submit a package with a signer with an invalid email address, early the next morning I got a delivery failure notification to my email inbox. I'
19 6 years 8 months ago 173
Profile picture for user harishaidary
Profile picture for user mwilliams

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