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Reply to: .withFontSize not working

0 votes

Duo, will you please raise this to the product team? This is a continuing issue for our business unit. The boldness of the text should be bumped up a little.

Reply to: .withFontSize not working

0 votes

Some of our forms have a lot of fields and are based on paper forms. Since we position the fields programmatically, it's quite a bit of work to enlarge them. If you can raise a support ticket, that would be great. Seems like there would be other organizations with the same issue.

Reply to: Suspended account

0 votes

Hi Duo:

Here is the message I'm getting:

An remote server exception occurred creating the signing package in eSignLive. com.silanis.esl.sdk.internal.EslServerException: Could not create a new package Exception: HTTP POST on URI resulted in response with status code: [401, Unauth orized]. Optional details: {"messageKey":"error.unauthorised.accountSuspended","message":"Cannot create session with suspended account.","code":401,"name":"Unauthorized"}


I am using the correct API key.



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