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Follow-up of Most of the fields have 4000 characters limit, but here we have only 1024.
Hi, Is there any limit for
content text? I have a script generating list of items and it can become quite long.
There is this docs page but there I can see only some mentions about 10.6 and 10.7, although the header contains 10.10. On som
I've tried to do a status change on OPTED_OUT package to DRAFT (edit data, then set it to SENT). Request
PUT /api/packages/PACKAGE_ID HTTP/1.1
Accept:  application/json,applicat
I've noticed that HTML tags are removed instead of being encoded. For example, the Signer opted out with a message:
Can't sign as there is a  tag visible.
In the admin panel, ther

Replies Created

Reply to: Full REST API documentation

0 votes
Thank you for your fast response. The documentation for the REST API in my opinion is crucial, because without it coding looks like hacking your system ;) I'm having problems with POST /packages/{packageId}/clone I've prepared template, with additional fields (screen esignlive_fields.png) for signer to be defined later (screen esignlive_template.png). Unfortunatelly I'm getting this error:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/json
Server: nginx
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
X-Powered-By: Undertow 1

    "code": 400, 
    "entity": null, 
    "message": "There is a role with no signer.", 
    "messageKey": "error.validation.packageActivation.unassignedRole", 
    "name": "Validation Error", 
    "packageId": null, 
    "technical": null
I'm sending this values:

    "autocomplete": true, 
    "description": "Agreement", 
    "documents": [
            "approvals": [
                    "accepted": null, 
                    "data": null, 
                    "name": "", 
                    "role": "Signer", 
                    "signed": null
                    "accepted": null, 
                    "data": null, 
                    "name": "", 
                    "role": "Signer", 
                    "signed": null
    "due": null, 
    "emailMessage": "Test content", 
    "language": "en", 
    "name": "TEST", 
    "roles": [
            "attachmentRequirements": [], 
            "data": null, 
            "emailMessage": {
                "content": "Test content"
            "id": "Signer", 
            "index": 0, 
            "locked": false, 
            "name": "Signer", 
            "reassign": false, 
            "signers": [
                    "address": null, 
                    "auth": {
                        "challenges": [], 
                        "scheme": "NONE"
                    "company": "", 
                    "data": null, 
                    "delivery": {
                        "download": true, 
                        "email": false, 
                        "provider": false
                    "email": "[email protected]", 
                    "external": null, 
                    "firstName": "Test", 
                    "group": null, 
                    "id": "Signer", 
                    "knowledgeBasedAuthentication": null, 
                    "language": "en", 
                    "lastName": "user", 
                    "name": "", 
                    "phone": "", 
                    "professionalIdentityFields": [], 
                    "signature": null, 
                    "specialTypes": [], 
                    "title": "", 
                    "userCustomFields": []
            "specialTypes": [], 
            "type": "SIGNER"
    "settings": {
        "ceremony": {
            "inPerson": false
    "status": "SENT", 
    "type": "PACKAGE"
I can't find it in docs, so let me ask here. - Do I need to pass all custom fields added in template? - What parameters are required to pass the validation? - What is the documents section for? I've defined two documents in my template (default plus added by me), do I need to define approvals for both of them in the request? - Should I set the Signer id to [Signer] as this is how it's shown in the panel?


Reply to: Full REST API documentation

0 votes
Thank you very much. That helped with the error I was having. But... There is another one:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2016 21:22:53 GMT
Server: nginx
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
X-Powered-By: Undertow 1

    "code": 400, 
    "entity": null, 
    "message": "Cannot send package without approvals.", 
    "messageKey": "error.validation.sendPackage.noApprovals", 
    "name": "Validation Error", 
    "packageId": null, 
    "technical": null
I've fetched the JSON for the template, there is a section with approvals:

"documents": [
            "approvals": [], 
            "data": null, 
            "description": "Must be accepted and agreed to before starting the signing process.", 
            "external": null, 
            "extract": false, 
            "fields": [], 
            "id": "default-consent", 
            "index": 0, 
            "name": "Electronic Disclosures and Signatures Consent", 
            "pages": [
                    "height": 1030.0, 
                    "id": "default-consent_1.png", 
                    "index": 0, 
                    "left": 0.0, 
                    "top": 0.0, 
                    "version": 185499, 
                    "width": 796.0
            "size": 0, 
            "status": ""
            "approvals": [
                    "accepted": null, 
                    "data": null, 
                    "fields": [
                       // List of custom fields defined
                    "id": "mSoe6kk2fF08", 
                    "name": "", 
                    "role": "951818c4-a318-4d6b-af76-8f75834c3b07", 
                    "signed": null
So there are two documents (the default one and this added by me). So I tried with this payload:

"documents": [
            "approvals": [
                    "accepted": null, 
                    "data": null, 
                    "name": "", 
                    "role": "951818c4-a318-4d6b-af76-8f75834c3b07", 
                    "signed": null
            "approvals": [
                    "accepted": null, 
                    "data": null, 
                    "name": "", 
                    "role": "951818c4-a318-4d6b-af76-8f75834c3b07", 
                    "signed": null
With no success. I found this on
The next section of the package JSON string is the “documents” object. Inside this, you will set items like the “name” and the “approvals” (signature blocks). In the “approvals”, the main items to set would be the “type”, “subtype”, “role”, “page”, and the location settings. These will define the signatures required in each document.
Which make me think that I need to pass all the custom fields inside the documents => approvals => fields.

Reply to: Full REST API documentation

0 votes
Your documents and everything for your package is already defined in your template. You shouldn’t need to do anything with those, if you’re just replacing your placeholder “Signer”.
Great, thank you! I've removed the whole documents section from JSON payload and it worked.

Reply to: How to pass values when cloning template

0 votes
Thank you Haris for your response. How do I pass the value with the JSON payload, do you have any snippet for that? The case is that it will be an e-mail address, different for every document created, but still it may not be changed by signer.

Reply to: How to pass values when cloning template

0 votes
So the best scenario would be to create new package (clone template) but without sending it to the signer, then add the label field and then finally edit the package to send it to the signer?


Topics Replies Freshness Views Users
Follow-up of Most of the fields have 4000 characters limit, but here we have only 1024.
2 7 years 1 month ago 38
Profile picture for user harishaidary
Hi, Is there any limit for
content text? I have a script generating list of items and it can become quite long.
3 7 years 3 months ago 18
Profile picture for user harishaidary
There is this docs page but there I can see only some mentions about 10.6 and 10.7, although the header contains 10.10. On som
3 7 years 3 months ago 80
Profile picture for user mwilliams
I've tried to do a status change on OPTED_OUT package to DRAFT (edit data, then set it to SENT). Request
PUT /api/packages/PACKAGE_ID HTTP/1.1
Accept:  application/json,applicat
1 7 years 5 months ago 10
Profile picture for user harishaidary
I've noticed that HTML tags are removed instead of being encoded. For example, the Signer opted out with a message:
Can't sign as there is a  tag visible.
In the admin panel, ther
1 7 years 5 months ago 10
Profile picture for user harishaidary

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