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Hello, Can you please take a look at the below and clarify?
I have a client who is trying to use a convention that has two Signer Labels within a template and but not able to specify a Signer Label to a placeholder.
There is a customer who is currently troubleshooting a new button for a client of theirs that uses Silanis.
Salesforce connector for eSignLive : If there is a scenario in which we need to send 2 documents in a single package, ts there a way to use a convention for tagging in this situation? Please advise.
I have included the eSignLive package related list on the Contact and Account detail pages in Salesforce connector for eSignLive!

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Hello Duo, Here’s the objective from the client: The solution proposed by Ahmad (referred to below) involves creating a document with a label for each signer superimposed onto a given X, Y location on the document. The idea is that once the listener learns the document has been signed, if it’s the 1st signer, the value of any label NOT belonging to that signer can be assigned a value, in our case with the current date. With any subsequent signing, nothing will happen, and the rest of the labels would remain blank. I have set this up, and the unsigned document looks correct. When the listener code is run, however, in order to assign a date to the label I have to first change the package status back to DRAFT. Then presumably assign the date, which I haven’t managed to do successfully, then resend the package. Since this results in another signing notice being emailed, including right back the person who just signed, this is an unacceptable solution. What was not discussed when this solution was proposed was having to change the status back to DRAFT in order to manipulate the document. Here’s the code that puts the label on the page: Field execDateField = FieldBuilder.Label() .WithId("ExecDateField_" + iSignerNum.ToString()) //.WithValue(DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM dd, yyyy")) .AtPosition(iExecDateX, iExecDateY) .WithSize(iExecDateW, iExecDateH) .OnPage(iSignPageInitialID) .Build(); eslClient.ApprovalService.AddField(packageId, docID, signatureId, execDateField); And here’s the code that would fill in the date field (I tried a few different things. In any case, it’s unacceptable to re-send the package.): public ActionResult Listener(string packageId, string sessionUser, string createdDate) … for (int i = 0; i then 1, we know that 1 is viable, so we assign the date to that signature field (Id = "ExecDateField_1") // (all signature fields are superimposed onto the Execute Date line) // once the ExecuteDate is assigned, the package record's hasExecuteDate field is updated to true, and every subsequent signer will have no effect iSignerCount += 1; if (row["SignerName"].ToString() == sessionUser) { if (iSignerCount > 1) { iSignerNum = 1; sSignerName = sSigner1; } else { iSignerNum = 2; sSignerName = sSigner2; } break; } } // set the ExecuteDate field on the document EslClient eslClient = new EslClient(apiKey, apiUrl); PackageId pkgId = new PackageId(packageId); DocumentPackage createdPackage = eslClient.GetPackage(pkgId); eslClient.ChangePackageStatusToDraft(pkgId); //Field executeDateField = FieldBuilder.SignatureDate() // .OnPage(pageId) // .AtPosition(iExecDateX, iExecDateY) // .WithSize( 400, 50 ) // .Build(); // eslClient.ApprovalService().UpdateField(pkgId, docName, new SignatureId(sSignerName), executeDateField) Field executeDateField = FieldBuilder.Label() .OnPage(pageId) .WithId("ExecDateField_" + iSignerNum.ToString()) .WithValue(DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM dd, yyyy")) .AtPosition(iExecDateX, iExecDateY) .WithSize(iExecDateW, iExecDateH) .Build(); eslClient.ApprovalService.AddField(pkgId, docName, new SignatureId(sSignerName), executeDateField); //eslClient.ApprovalService.AddApproval(pkgId, docName, new SignatureId(sSignerName), executeDateField); //eslClient.ApprovalService.AddApproval(pkgId, docName,) eslClient.SendPackage(pkgId);


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