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Reply to: Transaction Creation

0 votes

Hi Duo! Thanks for your answer.

I'm talking about IDV. I've already worked on the integration of both products (IDV/OSS), but this question it's just for IDV.

I know that I can generate the link and distribute it to the user, but as IDV sends SMS, My question is that, if exists a way to deliver the IDV transaction via SMS built-in on IDV.

I have access to UAT environments of IDV if it's needed to do some tests.

Reply to: Transaction Creation

0 votes

Hi Duo.

I'm not saying the redirection it's failing, that's not the issue we are facing.

We want to create an IDV transaction and send the link to the client. 
So, the current flow implies that the customer starts the transaction > get redirected to OTP auth > get top SMS > authenticate > goes to the transaction.
The thing that I'm looking for is to send the first SMS for a client that, let's say, a backoffice process, creates a transaction and we need to deliver that URL.

It's a step before the same flow that you list in your answer.

And, when I say "create a transaction" (backoffice or customer-facing) I mean the API call to create the transaction ({{base_url}}/api/transaction).

Hope that clarify my question.

Thanks in advance.

Reply to: Transaction Creation

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To clarify more my question:

Instead of getting the accessToken+transactionId from the response for the createTrasaction API call, deliver that URL vía SMS direct to the customer.

Is that possible or if we want to build something like that do we need to get and create the transactionUrl and deliver it to the customer by ourselves?

Again, thanks in advance.

Reply to: Transaction Creation

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Hi Will!

Thanks for your answer.
I Will talk with PS then to ask this.

Many thanks to you and Duo!.

Rodrigo Carmona.

Reply to: Transaction Creation

0 votes

No worries Sal. I've a meet with some PS team and get to a good approach too.

Many thanks for your time and effort.


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