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Hello, i'm doing a review about this link:, to understand how to save the handdrawn signature.

Hello, I tray to get more information about the authentication methid SMS, par example to know the max length for the phone number, the international format number, but i do not find anything more

Hello I have one question, for the designer session the package Id that we need must be from the  Transaction for a Sender, or it can be a package id from a normal transaction.

Hello, I need some help understanding how calculate the coordinates for the anchors in a pdf.

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Reply to: Add Consent Document Tool

0 votes

Hello, I have a question, the tool is only to update the consent document for the templates ? it is possible to update the consent document that we use for all the package ?

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0 votes

ok i see that, but for example this case in the link Using Text Anchors | OneSpan Community Platform  newTextAnchor("Signature of the Client")   .atPosition(TextAnchorPosition.TOPLEFT)   .withSize(150, 40)   .withOffset(0, -50)  why -50, and in this one i understand the -175 but  "(hereafter referred to as")   .atPosition(TextAnchorPosition.TOPRIGHT)   .withSize(150, 20)   .withOffset(-175, -5)


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0 votes

hello, thank you for your answer but i'm still do not understand the measures. This page is the only documentation that i have so i understand that is an example that i can use to undertand how to find the coordinates. If i try to see the fild "Signature of the Client" i understant the position but how it is possible that the field "Signature of the Contractor" has the same position ".withOffset(0, -50)" (. Also i'm going to say that i undertand the negative or the positive in the X or Y. but i do not understant how it is posible that the fiel "hereafter referred to as" is placed in the point (175 (i understand),-5) i can not find how the value in -5. 

Please help me to understand how to do this measures.

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Is the coordinate tool from adobe pro a good tool to find the coordinates ? I'm trying to create a package and always have the same error. 

For example in the image you see the coordinates and then i aply the 1.3 factor  and for that field i have 143.716 x and 518.478 in y. But i send this values and it gives me an error so i really do not what am i doing wrong. 



Topics Replies Freshness Views Users

Hello, i'm doing a review about this link:, to understand how to save the handdrawn signature.

13 2 years ago 108
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang

Hello, I tray to get more information about the authentication methid SMS, par example to know the max length for the phone number, the international format number, but i do not find anything more

2 2 years 3 months ago 35
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang

Hello I have one question, for the designer session the package Id that we need must be from the  Transaction for a Sender, or it can be a package id from a normal transaction.

3 2 years 6 months ago 29
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang

Hello, I need some help understanding how calculate the coordinates for the anchors in a pdf.

11 2 years 9 months ago 143
Profile picture for user Duo_Liang

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