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Hi, I'm looking at the designer The designer enable you the modify the signer and add signatures. I would like to be able to get a si
Hi, I'm a little confused on the Signer Session.

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Reply to: Session Token

0 votes
Hi, I undestand better. So, when i create the SignerAuthentificationToken, I will be able to acess the url en sign the document, bypassing the Q/A/SMS. Will I still need to create the session before that, no ? If the answer is no : when is is best to use the sessionToken and when is it best to use the SignerAuthentificationToken ? Thank you very much for you time,

Reply to: Session Token

0 votes
Is there a equivalent Signer token that cannot be use multiple time? Now I am using the CreateSignerAuthenticationToken. I would like a signer Authentication token that is single use, (stillbypassing the Q/A/SMS) . Is that possible ?

Reply to: Session Token

0 votes
But in the authentication service in the SDK, I see the CreateSignerAuthenticationTokenForSingleUse function who takes three parameters :
public string CreateSignerAuthenticationTokenForSingleUse(Silanis.ESL.SDK.PackageId packageId, string signerId, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary fields)
Could I use this one, are you aware of it ? Thank you, :)

Reply to: Designer

0 votes
What I am doing is creating creating a package with a name and a signer (no documents and signatureS). After that, I created the token (CreateUserAuthenticationToken) then call the BuildRedirectToDesignerForUserAuthenticationToken fonction. The url created is the one I use to access the designer. In this designer, I cannot add documents, so I am stuck at the first page. It that the old designer? Thanks in advance.


Topics Replies Freshness Views Users
Hi, I'm looking at the designer The designer enable you the modify the signer and add signatures. I would like to be able to get a si
23 7 years 1 month ago 34
Profile picture for user harishaidary
Hi, I'm a little confused on the Signer Session.
8 7 years 1 month ago 200
Profile picture for user harishaidary

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