OneSpan Authentication Server Framework error codes

The error codes in the table below are returned by Authentication Server Framework, the core authentication product of OneSpan Authentication Server. They may occur in trace and audit messages.

Table: Authentication Server Framework error codes – Authentication and administration
Error code Error message
0 Success
1 Failure
130 Invalid response pointer
131 Missing required challenge
132 Unsupported tokentype
133 Invalid randomnumber pointer
134 Invalid unlockcode pointer
135 Invalid challenge pointer
136 Invalid challengelength pointer
137 Challenge not supported
138 Unlock function not supported
139 Invalid signature pointer
140 Challenge corrupted
141 Invalid fieldcount
142 Invalid testcode pointer
143 Invalid hostdatetime pointer
144 Invalid clockshift pointer
145 Invalid challengemsg pointer
146 Invalid masterkey pointer
147 Invalid activationcode pointer
148 Invalid data fields pointer
149 Invalid iv length
150 Invalid derivation data length
151 Invalid kcv length
152 Invalid datafield pointer
153 Invalid event window
154 Invalid data block size
155 Invalid time window
156 Obsolete hash data block
157 Invalid hash data block
158 Invalid salt pointer
159 Invalid state data block pointer
160 Invalid hash data block pointer
161 Invalid key pointer
162 Salt buffer too big
163 Key buffer too big
164 Invalid serial number suffix
165 Invalid response length
166 Missing required CESPR
167 Input data corrupted (Challenge or CESPR)
179 Session handle invalid
201 Code replay attempt
202 Ident error threshold reached
203 Sign error threshold reached
204 Duplicate signature found
205 Inactive days reached
206 Sign sync error
207 Invalid use of onlinesg flag
208 Application disabled
209 Grace period expired
210 Allowed use count reached
211 Virtual token not supported
272 Invalid wrapped key
300 User database open error
301 Token database open error
302 Log open error
303 dgpparms open error
304 Token database update error
305 User database update error
306 Token database pointer invalid
307 User database pointer invalid
308 Token database insert error
309 User database insert error
310 Database eof reached
311 Token database locate error
312 User database locate error
313 Token database getnext error
314 User database getnext error
315 dgpparms update error
316 dgpparms pointer invalid
317 dgpparms insert error
318 dgpparms locate error
319 dgpparms getnext error
320 dgpparms erase error
321 Token database erase error
322 sglog database open error
323 sglog database pointer invalid
324 sglog database insert error
400 Response only codeword not found
401 Signature codeword not found
402 Challenge response codeword not found
403 Application table is empty
404 Requester table is empty
405 Application not found
407 tokentype not found
408 Wrong application count
409 Wrong requester count
410 Wrong requester application number
412 Invalid checksum
413 Invalid base64 format
414 Invalid checksum hsm
500 init key not verified
501 Bad init key length
505 Serial checkdigit invalid
506 Invalid cinit handle pointer
507 Invalid cini hdr pointer
508 Invalid header record
509 Invalid cini data pointer
510 Invalid digipass data pointer
511 Invalid serial number pointer
512 Invalid authmode pointer
513 Invalid data record
514 Invalid digipass info pointer
515 Invalid digipass type pointer
516 Invalid key set pointer
517 Invalid property value
518 Invalid property
520 Required parameter not found
521 Required parameter empty
522 License not verified
523 Keyword not found
530 Invalid qa data pointer
531 Invalid qa security level
532 Invalid qa data length
533 Invalid userid pointer
534 Invalid userid length
535 Invalid qa nb
536 Invalid encrypted qa data
537 Invalid static vector pointer
538 Invalid alea pointer
539 Invalid snsuffix pointer
540 Invalid qakey pointer
541 Invalid index list
542 Invalid hash list
543 Invalid dp4web blob
544 Invalid activation code length
545 Invalid static vector length
550 Null master key label pointer
551 Null master key kcv pointer
552 Null derivation seed pointer
553 Null derivation key kcv pointer
554 Null tlv data pointer
555 Null auth mode pointer
556 Null master key reference
557 Null encryption key reference
558 Null encryption key kcv pointer
559 Invalid seed length
560 Null output buffer
561 Invalid matrix card sequence number
562 Invalid row number
563 Invalid column number
564 Invalid security level
565 Invalid static vector in dpx file
600 Invalid gordian root information
601 Invalid gordian today information
602 Invalid gordian tomorrow information
603 Invalid gordian stimulus information
701 Invalid input buffer pointer
702 Invalid hash buffer pointer
703 Invalid hash algorithm
704 Invalid hash length
705 Invalid hash format
706 Invalid data buffer pointer
707 Invalid data length pointer
801 Static pwd not supported
802 Change pwd mandatory
803 New pwd too small
804 New pwd too long
805 Pwd not equal
806 Static pwd chg not supported
807 Serial not equal
808 Invalid appl count
809 Encrypted static password not supported
810 Unlock authentication failure
811 Invalid unlockauthcode pointer
812 Invalid unlockauthindex
813 Unlockauthcode too small
814 Unlockauthcode too long
900 HSM null session
901 HSM invalid state
902 HSM invalid session fm
903 HSM key id fm
904 HSM max session fm
905 HSM initialisation failed
906 HSM opensession failed
907 HSM not initialized
908 HSM key not found
909 HSM invalid slotid
910 HSM invalid command in reply
911 HSM invalid key kcv
912 HSM invalid blob status
913 HSM invalid key property
916 pkcs11 find process error
917 Key type inconsistent
1002 Compression hdr too big
1003 Compression src too big
1006 tlv length too long
1007 TLV invalid tag
1008 TLV invalid length
1009 TLV invalid tot len
1018 TLV invalid item pointer
1019 TLV missing mandatory item
1025 Buffer too small
1039 Invalid response length with DP algorithm
1040 Invalid host code length with DP algorithm
1100 Function not supported
1101 EMV not supported
1103 Unlock version 2 not supported
1119 Unsupported payload key Blob
10001 Success with context warning (score-based authentication)
10002 Success with user warning (score-based authentication)
10003 Success with user and context warning (score-based authentication)
10004 Success with platform warning (score-based authentication)
10005 Success with platform and context warning (score-based authentication)
10006 Success with platform and user warning (score-based authentication)
10007 Success with platform, user, and context warning (score-based authentication)
–101 Challenge too small
–102 Challenge too long
–103 Challenge check digit wrong
–105 Challenge minimum length not allowed
–106 Challenge maximum length not allowed
–107 Challenge number wrong
–108 Challenge character invalid
–143 Change PIN mandatory
–151 CESPR too small
–152 CESPR too long
–201 Response length out of bounds
–202 Response too small
–203 Response too long
–204 Response check digit wrong
–205 Response character not decimal
–206 Response character not hexadecimal
–207 Response character set not specified
–301 Time most execution failed
–302 Time next execution failed
–401 Event most execution failed
–508 Token type not supported
–509 Response type not allowed
–510 Invalid record
–511 Wrong record CRC
–1501 Memory allocation failed
–2201 Error sernumber not alpha
–2202 Error deskey parity
Table: Authentication Server Framework error codes – Authenticator record import
Error code Description
0 Success
100 Success – token complete
107 Success – end of file reached
–10 Error null pointer
–11 Error bad argument
–12 Error DPX clear failed
–13 Error des calculation
–14 Error InitKey length
–15 Error InitKey value
–20 Error file open failed
–21 Error file close failed
–22 Error file rewind failed
–23 Error file not open
–24 Error file not closed
–30 Error fatal error
–31 Error file has errors
–32 Error too many errors
–33 Error too many info
–40 Error void text
–41 Error truncated text
–42 Error no DF records
–43 Error unexpected record
–44 Error bad record type
–45 Error unexpected content
–46 Error line exhausted
–47 Error missing quotes
–48 Error missing field name
–49 Error bad field name
–50 Error bad field type
–51 Error field size
–52 Error line size
–100 Error DH file content
–101 Error DH date content
–102 Error DH version content
–103 Error DH created by content
–200 Error DC HSH content
–201 Error DC DEL content
–202 Error HSH value
–203 Error DEL value
–300 Error DF fieldname
–301 Error DF descriptor
–400 Error DA record
–401 Error DA field
–500 Error DP field value
–501 Error DP descriptor
–502 Error DP unknown descriptor
–503 Error DP record redefinition
–504 Error DP record overflow
–800 Error CT field type
–801 Error CT name redefinition
–802 Error CT fieldlength
–803 Error CT fieldname
–804 Error CT too many entries
–900 Error DE def records content
–901 Error DE data records content
–902 Error DE tokens content
–1500 DPX cannot allocate memory
–1501 DPX null handle
–1502 DPX null handle context
–1503 DPX null handle key
–1504 DPX invalid handle context eyecatcher
–1505 DPX invalid handle key eyecatcher
–1506 DPX invalid selected application
–1507 DPX null selected application
–1508 DPX null init key
–1509 DPX null file name
–1510 DPX application not define
–1511 DPX null appli count
–1512 DPX null appli names
–1513 DPX null token count
–1514 DPX null serial number
–1515 DPX null DPX type
–1516 DPX null authentication mode
–1517 DPX null authenticator data
–1518 DPX null key name
–1519 DPX null key KCV
–1520 DPX invalid static vector length
–1521 DPX null output buffer
–1522 DPX invalid static vector
–1523 Invalid response length with DP algorithm
–1524 Invalid return host code length with DP algorithm
–1525 DPX unlock mixed versions
–1526 DPX invalid unlock challenge length
–1527 DPX invalid unlock code type
–1528 DPX invalid unlock code length
–1530 DPX EMV HSM not supported
–1531 DPX EMV SSM not supported