Error messages

Table: Error codes
Error code Error message Description Notes
0 STAT_SUCCESS (No error)
–1 STAT_ERROR An unspecified error occurred This error code may occur when a more specific error code is not available or was recorded separately.
–2 STAT_INVPARAM The parameters supplied were invalid Parameters supplied to a function or command were invalid.
–3 STAT_MEMORY A memory error occurred Memory allocation failed. This is normally due to the system running low on memory.
–10 STAT_COMMS A communications error occurred Inter-process or inter-component communication failed. This may also occur with communications to Active Directory or a database. This error is normally accompanied by further details.
–11 STAT_LICENCE A license error has occurred General-purpose license failure when a more specific code is not available or was recorded separately.
–12 STAT_OS_FAILURE An operating system call failed A system call failed. This may include file handling, Active Directory Services Interface and other calls. It is normally accompanied by further details.
–13 STAT_NOT_FOUND The object was not found An attempt was made to perform an operation on an object, such as an Active Directory object, but the object did not exist. For example, this may occur when one administrator deletes a record that another administrator is about to update, when the update operation is attempted.
–14 STAT_EXISTS The object already exists An attempt was made to create an object, such as an Active Directory object, but the object already exists. For example, this may occur when two administrators try to create the same record at the same time.
–15 STAT_OVERFLOW The supplied buffer was of the incorrect size An internal data buffer was of insufficient length to hold the data required.
–16 STAT_VERSION A version error has occurred A version mismatch has occurred. Further details in the error record will indicate which versions were mismatched.
–17 STAT_INVDATA The supplied data are invalid General-purpose error when input data to an operation is incorrect. Further details of the error will be recorded.
–18 STAT_INVOBJECT The object is invalid An attempt was made to perform an operation upon an object type that was not recognized.
–19 STAT_INVCOMMAND The command is invalid An attempt was made to perform an operation using a command that was not recognized.
–20 STAT_INUSE The object is in use

An attempt was made to delete an object, such as an Active Directory object, but that object was in use.

This may occur when you try to delete a policy, but another policy inherits from the one you are deleting, or a component uses the policy.

–21 STAT_NOSUPPORT The operation is not supported General-purpose error when an operation is attempted on an object that does not support it. For example, an attempt is made to generate a Virtual Mobile Authenticator OTP using an authenticator that is not enabled for Virtual Mobile Authenticator.
–22 STAT_OBJERR An object error has occurred General-purpose error on an operation on an object. This should be supplemented with more specific details.
–23 STAT_MISSINGFLD A required field was missing An operation was attempted without specifying one or more mandatory input fields.
–24 STAT_AUDITFAILURE Auditing failed An operation failed because auditing was mandatory, but failed.
–30 STAT_INVCONFIG The configuration is invalid The configuration data in the configuration file are invalid. The error record should indicate which specific data were invalid.
–31 STAT_INVTYPE A type mismatch has occurred General-purpose error when one data type is expected but a different data type was provided.
–32 STAT_NOT_INITIALISED One or more objects were not initialized Internal initialization error. More specific error details will be recorded.
–33 STAT_CACHE_FULL The cache is full An attempt was made to add an entry to a cache, but the cache has reached its configured maximum size.
–34 STAT_CACHE_MAX_REF_COUNT The cache entry has reached the maximum reference count An attempt was made to retrieve an item from a cache, but the item was already in use and the configuration indicates a limit on the number of times an item can be retrieved from the cache at one time.
–35 STAT_BUSY The system is currently too busy to service the request The system received a new request for processing, but hit a resource usage limit of some type. This indicates that the system is too loaded to handle the request. For example, there may be no spare database connection to use, even after waiting a short time for one to become available.
–80 STAT_TIMEOUT A timeout has occurred An operation failed because of a timeout.
–100 VDSERR_INVPLUGIN An invalid plug-in was supplied Audit configuration specifies a plug-in method that is unknown or that could not be successfully loaded.
–101 VDSERR_NOSPACE There is no space left to write the message While auditing to text file, the server was unable to write. This would normally occur if disk space has run out.
–102 VDSERR_USERCANCEL User cancelled authentication process The user chose to cancel a request rather than provide credentials when prompted.
–140 STAT_DPERROR An authenticator error has occurred General-purpose failure of an authenticator operation such as OTP verification, Reset PIN, Unlock, etc. This is normally accompanied by a more specific error code and message from the OneSpan Authentication Server Framework library.
–141 STAT_MISSING_STATE_DATA Offline state data was required but not supplied  
–142 STAT_IDENT_ERROR_THRESHOLD_REACHED The threshold for identifying errors has been reached.  
–143 STAT_CHANGE_PIN_MANDATORY An error with the mandatory change of the authenticator PIN has occurred.  
–150 STAT_VDP_DELIVERY_FAILED Delivery of the Virtual Mobile Authenticator one-time password failed A Virtual Mobile Authenticator OTP was generated successfully, but delivery by text message failed. A separate message will give more details about the failure.
–200 STAT_LICENCE_EXP The license has expired The license key has an expiration date set, and the date has passed. A permanent license key must be obtained.
–201 STAT_INVLICENCE The license data are invalid One of the details embedded into the license key is invalid for the component in which it is being loaded. The component will not be able to use the license key. This may be the IP address, the component type, or any other detail that can be seen in the license key text.
–202 STAT_LICENCE_INVSIG The License Key is corrupted The signature at the bottom of the license key is invalid. This would typically occur if the license key details were modified in any way.
–250 STAT_NEEDSKEY Decryption has failed - no Storage Key is specified in the Encryption Settings

Some encrypted data has been created or modified using configured, rather than default, encryption settings. This error occurs when that data is read by a component that does not have configured encryption settings – the component is therefore unable to decrypt the data.

It is necessary to configure the encryption settings in the component. For more information on encryption settings, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Administrator Guide, Section "Sensitive Data Encryption".

–251 STAT_WRONG_CIPHER Decryption has failed - an incorrect Cipher is specified in the Encryption Settings

Some encrypted data has been created or modified using differently configured encryption settings. This error occurs when that data is read by a component with configured encryption settings that use a different Cipher Name – the component is therefore unable to decrypt the data.

It is necessary to make sure that the encryption settings in all components are identical. For more information on encryption settings, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Administrator Guide, Section "Sensitive Data Encryption".

–252 STAT_DECRYPT_FAILURE Decryption has failed - an incorrect Storage Key is specified in the Encryption Settings

Some encrypted data has been created or modified using differently configured encryption settings. This error occurs when that data is read by a component with configured encryption settings that use a different Storage Key – the component is therefore unable to decrypt the data.

It is necessary to make sure that the encryption settings in all components are identical. For more information on encryption settings, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Administrator Guide, Section "Sensitive Data Encryption".

–300 STAT_DB_ERROR A database error occurred General-purpose error on a database operation. This should be supplemented with more specific details.
–350 STAT_DISCARD_REQUEST The request received was discarded

A replication update that was received was found to be superseded by a later change. In this case, the update is discarded, as it is no longer relevant.

This may occur when creating a record, after a record has been deleted and then re-created.

It may occur when modifying a record, if a later modification occurred before replication could apply the first change.

–351 STAT_RETRY_REQUEST The request received must be retried

A replication update that was received could not be applied immediately. In this case, the update is rejected. The retry mechanism at the source server will re-send the update, according to its configuration settings.

This may occur if a record does not exist yet, when trying to apply a modification or deletion.

It may occur after a record has been deleted and re-created, when a modification of the record is replicated but the sequence of deletion and re-creation has not been followed in the correct order.

–352 STAT_INVHASH A replication queue entry had an invalid hash value When an entry was read from the replication queue before sending, its integrity hash value check failed. This suggests that the queue entry may have been modified since it was added to the queue. In this case, the queue entry is not trusted, and an error is reported.
–353 STAT_REPLQUEUE_FULL The replication queue is full

An operation failed because it needed to update the database, but the update could not be added to the Replication queue. If the queue is full, no database updates are allowed, to avoid the databases from being pushed too far out of synchronization.

Check the Replication Status dialog in the Active Directory Users and Computers Extension (ADUCE) and the Replication audit messages to investigate why the queue has become full. It is necessary to reduce the queue size for the system to continue to function.

If this error occurs often, without good reason, consider increasing the maximum queue size. This can be configured in the Replication tab of the OneSpan Authentication Server Configuration Utility.

–400 STAT_NOTAVAIL There was no comms descriptor available The comms descriptor map has not been loaded. (Support)
–401 STAT_ADDR_RESOLVE The supplied address could not be resolved Name resolution problem, i.e.a problem in the DNS, the netbios etc.
–402 STAT_SOCKET_ERR A socket error occurred. Descriptor should be closed Communication protocol mismatch.
–403 STAT_DESC_STATE Descriptor was in the wrong state Such a wrong state can for instance be to try binding the socket twice.
–404 STAT_DESC_LIMIT The maximum number of open descriptors has been reached  
–405 VDSERR_CLOSED The connection has been closed by the remote end  
–406 VDSERR_WOULDBLOCK The command would block, use 'select'  
–407 STAT_INPROGRESS The command is in progress, use 'select'  
–408 STAT_INV_DESCRIPT The comms descriptor is not valid An invalid comms descriptor can for instance be that the socket has not been created.
–450 STAT_INVKEY The key received was invalid The encryption key is invalid.
–500 STAT_ALREADY_STARTED The Service was already started When trying to start a service, the service was already running.
–501 STAT_ALREADY_STOPPED The Service was already stopped When trying to stop a service, the service was not running.
–550 STAT_MALFORMED_DATA The config file/registry data could not be read This error may be returned when a corrupt configuration file is used.
–600 STAT_RAD_INVATTRIB One of the RADIUS attributes was invalid The RADIUS attribute field layout is invalid.
–601 STAT_RAD_SIZE The action will result in a size limitation being exceeded A buffer overflow would occur, this is only used within the RADIUS library
–602 STAT_RAD_INVDICT An invalid dictionary file was used  
–650 STAT_INIT_FAILED Initialization of lock failed  
–700 STAT_OPEN_FAILED Failed to open handle Normally occurs when a file cannot be opened.
–800 VDSERR_BAD_PKT_LENGTH An invalid length was supplied  
–801 VDSERR_MALLOC_FAIL Memory allocation failed  
–802 VDSERR_BLANK_PASSWORD Password was blank Can occur when attempting to verify a MS-CHAP/MS-CHAP2 password when the subsequently hashed password provided by the user is equivalent to hashing a blank string, i.e. the provided password is blank.
–803 VDSERR_INV_PASSWORD Password was invalid Occurs within MS-CHAP/MS-CHAP2 password verification when the provided password is incorrect and it is not a blank string.
–903 STAT_ENCRYPT_TYPE The MPPE encryption policy is not supported  
–904 STAT_BAD_PROTOCOL Invalid MPPE protocol used  
–999 STAT_NULL_PTR A null pointer was received  
–1001 STAT_UNKNOWN_PKTSOURCE The packet is from an unknown source A client component does not exist for the client who sent the packet.
–1002 VDSERR_NOSECRET The shared secret of the packet's source is unknown There is no shared secret within the client component for the peer which sent this packet.
–1003 STAT_RAD_BADAUTH Incorrect response authenticator The response packet returned from the RADIUS server bears an incorrect authenticator.
–1004 STAT_RAD_BADMSGAUTH The Message-Authenticator attribute was not correct  
–1005 STAT_RAD_BADADDRESS The packet is not from the address sent to The response from the back end does not match the source address to which the request was sent.
–5300 STAT_ADERROR Active Directory Error  
–10057 UA_USERID_TOO_LONG User ID is longer than 255 characters. The maximum user ID length has been exceeded.
–10059 UA_PASSWORD_TOO_LONG Password is longer than 255 characters. The maximum password length has been exceeded.
–10060 UA_UNAME_TOO_LONG User name is longer than 1024 characters. The maximum user name length has been exceeded.
–10061 UA_SERIAL_TOO_LONG Serial Number is longer than 10 characters. The maximum serial number length has been exceeded. The serial number must be 10 characters, with no dashes (-) and with leading zeros (0) to make it up to 10 characters.
–10062 UA_SERIAL_TOO_SHORT Serial Number is less than 10 characters long. The minimum Serial Number length has not been provided. Serial Number must be 10 characters, with no dashes (-) and with leading zeros (0) to make it up to 10 characters.
–10063 UA_SERIAL_INVALID_CHARS Serial Number contains non-alphanumeric characters. The Serial Number contains non-alphanumeric characters. Serial Number must be 10 alphanumeric characters, with no dashes (-).
–10064 UA_ORGUNIT_TOO_LONG Organizational unit is longer than 255 characters. The maximum organizational unit length has been exceeded.
–10065 UA_DOMAIN_TOO_LONG Domain is longer than 255 characters. The maximum domain length has been exceeded.
–10066 UA_DN_TOO_LONG Distinguished Name is longer than 1024 characters. The maximum LDAP Distinguished Name (DN) length has been exceeded.
–10067 UA_MOBILE_TOO_LONG Mobile Number is longer than 64 characters. The maximum length for the mobile phone number has been exceeded.
–10069 UA_USER_PARSE_ERROR A syntax error occurred reading from the file. A syntax error occurred while reading lines from the import file: double-quotes were missing; there are too many fields in the line; a comma is missing between fields.
–10072 UA_PHONE_TOO_LONG Phone Number is longer than 64 characters. The maximum phone number length has been exceeded.
–10073 UA_EMAIL_TOO_LONG Email Address is longer than 64 characters. The maximum length for the e-mail address has been exceeded.
–10074 UA_INVALID_USER_DETAILS No user ID was given. Either the user ID or, for Active Directory, the Distinguished Name is needed to import a user. A user ID must be supplied to import a user. The only exception is when using Active Directory, it is sufficient to give the distinguished name instead of the user ID.
–10075 UA_MOBILE_INVALID_CHARS The Mobile No. is invalid. Only numbers, spaces, dashes (-) and brackets are allowed with a + at the start to indicate a country code if needed. The mobile number is only allowed to include numeric characters, spaces, dashes(-) and brackets (){}[]. In addition a + is allowed at the start for the country code.
–10076 UA_PHONE_INVALID_CHARS The Phone No. is invalid. Only numbers, spaces, dashes (-) and brackets are allowed with a + at the start to indicate a country code if needed. The phone number is only allowed to include numeric characters, spaces, dashes(-) and brackets (){}[]. In addition a + is allowed at the start for the country code.
–10077 UA_EMAIL_INVALID_CHARS The specified email address contains invalid characters and is not in the form user@domain. The e-mail address is only allowed to include alphanumeric characters, @, dots (.), underscores (_) and dashes (-).
–10078 UA_USER_HEADER_ERROR The Field Header was not found or invalid when reading from the file.

The first line of an import file must be a header line. The header line is a comma-separated list of field names, indicating which fields are included in every other line of the file.

This message indicates that the header line was not found, that it included unknown field names, or that it was not a comma-separated list of field names.

See the Import User Records topic in the online help for the Active Directory Users and Computers Extension (ADUCE) for a definition of the import file header format.