CSV file format

Table: Performance monitoring CSV output file format lists the fields used in a CSV file used for performance monitoring.

For more information about using the CSV plugin for performance monitoring, see the OneSpan Authentication Server Administrator Guide, Section "Performance monitoring – Plugins".

Table: Performance monitoring CSV output file format
Field name Description

Process identifier

Assigned by the OS. Each process has a process identifier assigned to it when it is started for the first time.


Transaction identifier

Assigned by OneSpan Authentication Server, and is unique per process identifier. The first instance of a transaction identifier within a process identifier will be instance 1, and the number will increase by 1 each time the transaction is used.


Parent transaction identifier

The transaction identifier of the hierarchical parent.

Type Performance monitoring transaction type name.

Transaction start time

Time in milliseconds from the Epoch start (Midnight 1/1/1970 UTC).


Transaction start time

The microsecond time fraction of the transaction start time.


Transaction wall time

Elapsed time in milliseconds of the transaction, including child transactions.


Transaction wall time

The microsecond time fraction of the transaction wall time.


Transaction time

Elapsed time in milliseconds of the transaction, excluding child transactions.


Transaction time

The microsecond time fraction of the transaction time.


Transaction block time

Cumulative time in milliseconds that the transaction was blocked, exclusive of child transaction times.


Transaction block time

The microsecond time fraction of the transaction block time.


Transaction system time

System time in milliseconds of transaction, inclusive of child system time.


Transaction user time

User time in milliseconds of transaction, inclusive of child user time.


Transaction status

Possible values:

  • Good
  • Aborted
  • Failed
  • Unknown
CorrelationId The correlation ID used to identify audit messages that correlate to one another.

Key value pairs

Miscellaneous additional information.

Start time is calculated from the time when the plug-in is loaded on restart, or from the time when OneSpan Authentication Server Administration Web Interface is loaded.