Supported web servers and browsers

Web servers

If you install the Administration Web Interface using the Web Administration Service setup package, all required third-party products are installed as well.

Web Administration Service includes the Azul Zulu Java Runtime Environment. Most of the security issues found in the standard JRE do not affect Web Administration Service deployments. If you want to use a different and more recent JRE version, you need to set up your own Apache Tomcat or IBM WebSphere web application server running on that JRE and deploy Web Administration Service manually.

The Apache Tomcat web application server included in the Web Administration Service setup package officially supports the JRE version included in the Web Administration Service setup package only. OneSpan cannot and does not guarantee correct operation if a JRE version other than the one included in the setup package is used.

If you want to deploy the Administration Web Interface to an existing Web server manually, the following requirements apply.

The Administration Web Interface can be run on these web application servers (based on the respective JRE):

  • Apache Tomcat

    • Oracle Server Java Runtime Environment 11
    • Azul Zulu 11
  • Open Liberty (tested with

  • WebSphere Liberty (tested with

The OneSpan Authentication Server product CD contains a version of Web Administration Service adapted for Open Liberty and WebSphere Liberty for manual deployment.


The Administration Web Interface supports the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge

The Administration Web Interface supports all browser versions currently supported by the respective vendors.

The Apache Tomcat 9.0 web server installed with OneSpan Authentication Server is pre-configured to provide the Administration Web Interface via SSL by default. On some browsers, accessing the SSL-secured Administration Web Interface may result in a Certificate Error or Certificate Invalid warning. If this occurs, simply import the Administration Web Interface certificate to the browser's Trusted Sites list, or add an exception for the Administration Web Interface.

For more information, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Administrator Guide, section "Encrypted Communication".