oscar.castillo | Posts: 17

Error Activation Orchestation Sample SDK Android

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I am testing out the Orchestation Client Sample APK that comes inside de SDK Source Files version 4.23.0

When testing Activation flow on the Client Sample APK, after entering the PIN Number the app shows an error with the message "Unknown Message"

After look for the error in the Logcat console, the exception message is the following: Exception in onOrchestrationError java.lang.RuntimeException: Flow type not supported

I want to know if this is a problem of the sample App or this is the final point of the Sample App.

Best Regards


Hakim Aldaoub | Posts: 54

Reply to: Error Activation Orchestation Sample SDK Android

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Hi Oscar,

We are trying to reproduce the issue that you described with the Orchestration SDK sample app.  We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you,




Hakim Aldaoub | Posts: 54

Reply to: Error Activation Orchestation Sample SDK Android

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Hi Oscar, 

The orchestration sample app has  been activated correctly for me.  Did you try to enter 4 digits or 6 digits PIN?  Have used a virtual or an actual android device?

If the issue still persist, could you please share the steps that followed editing the project on Android Studio?

Thank you,


oscar.castillo | Posts: 17

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Hi Hakim,

Thank for your response.

I first tried 4 Digit PIN but the sdk throws an error indicating that the PIN was not secure enogh so i tried a 8 Digit PIN.
For your other question, I am using an actual android device.

I am not sure what is causing the problem, yesterday i register 3 users the 2 first went smoothly but the last i had to try 3 times after i finally could register the user, when i went to list the users, the last user had 3 serialnumber (Example:SN, SN-1,SN-2)

Today have i registered 2 user again with no problem

In the sample proyect I pasted the OrchestrationSDK.aar  in the  app\aars folder. Then i modified the Constants class and the RemoteActivity class.
In the Constants class i changed the fields: ANDROID_SENDER_ID,ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIE, SALT_STORAGE and SALT_DIGIPASS

In the RemoteActivity class i changed the fields: host and user


Hakim Aldaoub | Posts: 54

Reply to: Error Activation Orchestation Sample SDK Android

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Hello Oscar,

Based on your reply, the issue you had seems to be associated with the authenticators instances, maybe running out of them after several registrations made.


oscar.castillo | Posts: 17

Reply to: Error Activation Orchestation Sample SDK Android

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Hi Hakim,

I have made further test and i have found some behavior that i think may cause the exception that i mencioned early.
I was testing the PIN Error so i registered a user in this process i entered a 4Digit PIN, then the  apk threw an error indicating tha the PIN was not strong, so i made another attempt with a 8 Digit PIN, then the apk threw the error Flow type not supported To be able to continue with the registration i deleted de user and started the process again, then i was able to register correctly.

So i was thinking tha when an error ocurrs on the server side, the flow enter in this state that throws the "Flow type not supported" for that user, this is the theory i have to explain the previuos ocurrences of this error.



Hakim Aldaoub | Posts: 54

Reply to: Error Activation Orchestation Sample SDK Android

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Hi Oscar,

I believe that the 4 digits PIN was not the reason of the "PIN not strong" exception that you had, maybe you used an easy to guess PIN like '1234' or '0000' for example.  Also, since the registration was successful after recreating the user, it seems that my initial suspicion about consuming all the authenticators linked with the account was correct.



oscar.castillo | Posts: 17

Reply to: Error Activation Orchestation Sample SDK Android

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HI Hakim,

How do i know how many authenticators i have spend? I always test 3 or 4 user simultaneusly, and after the test i delete the user or unassing the authenticator to continue with the other tests.

I attached a document where i try to explain step by step the tests that i am perfoming, maybe this way is better explained the problem that i encounter.


Hakim Aldaoub | Posts: 54

Reply to: Error Activation Orchestation Sample SDK Android

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Hi Oscar,

I do not see any document attached.  Could you please make sure to attach it?


oscar.castillo | Posts: 17

Reply to: Error Activation Orchestation Sample SDK Android

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Hi Hakim

Sorry I think i was too anxius posting and didn't check if the document finished uploading before post. I am trying again


Hakim Aldaoub | Posts: 54

Reply to: Error Activation Orchestation Sample SDK Android

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Hi Oscar, 

To answer your question, from the Adaptive Authentication interactive API > Authencator resource, you could use "/authenticators" endpoint to query authenticators and see the availability, status, and more info about all authenticators . From there, you will have the boolean attribute "Assigned", if you set it to "True", you will get a list of all authenticators in use, and you will get the available ones if you set it to "False".

In addition, there is no need to delete a user instance when the desired authenticator instance is unavailable.  Just copy the serial number of the required authenticator and call "/authenticators/{serialNumber}/unassign" to have it available, and then call "​/authenticators​/{serialNumber}​/assign" endpoint with the userID and domain to have the authenticator assigned to the new user.

A note from the attached document, it is recommended to use "AdaptiveRegisterUserInput" object type in the context of IAA and for the purpose of testing Orchestration SDK.

Hope that helps,


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