March 2022

New features and enhancements

New platform 2.0 released

A new version of the demo platform has been released. It provides the following key enhancements:

  • Faster deployments
  • Capacity for more demos
  • Modularization of services to reuse them between demos

GSOL-2290: ForgeRock Landing Service update for platform 2.0

GSOL-2257: Updated containers to latest releases

The ForgeRock Landing Service containers have been updated to support the latest standards and ports.

GSOL-1997: UX enhancements when user enters tenant information

When a user submits a tenant to check on common sites, the submit button now shows a spinner animation while the check is in progress.

July 2021

New features and enhancements

Options for deleting projects added

When deleting a project, you can now choose if you would like to restore it later, or to definitely delete it.

Notification on starting and failing project builds

Feedback is now provided on project creation. When a project has started building, a notification window is displayed in the upper right corner of the screen with a message confirming the start of the build. You will also be notified of any failure in the build process.

Cache busting enabled

In the Angular settings cache busting has now been enabled for the Landing Service page.

Fixes and other changes

GSOL-1740: Label inconsistency

Description: Header labels are inconsistent.

Status: This issue has been fixed. The Project Title header label has been replaced with Project Name to maintain consistency throughout the site.