Configure Mobile Authenticator Studio Starter Edition

Configuring Mobile Authenticator Studio Starter Edition 4.6 to be activated online with DIGIPASS Gateway and OneSpan Authentication Server involves updating the following elements in the Mobile Authenticator Studio XML configuration file:

  • StandardActivation
  • OnlineTimeSynchronization
  • AdvancedActivationV1
  • ChecksumV1

Configure Mobile Authenticator Studio Starter Edition

To configure Mobile Authenticator Studio Starter Edition for online activation

  1. Add the following StandardActivation element attributes and set the URL of the activation web service of DIGIPASS Gateway as configured when setting up DIGIPASS Gateway.

    <StandardActivation id="STD_Online_Activation">
      <MenuItem .../>
      <ActivationData useActivationPassword="true" checksumOnActivationPassword="true">
        <OnlineActivationData advanced="true" useRegistrationIdentifier="true" useAuthorizationCode="true" checksumOnAuthorizationCode="true">
          <URL method="POST" 
            <PayloadParameter key="RegistrationIdentifier" value="%_RegistrationIdentifier_%" />
            <PayloadParameter key="PublicKey" 
                value="%_PublicKey_%" />
            <PayloadParameter key="InitialVector" value="%_InitialVector_%" />
        <View ...>...</View>
      <PostActivation binding="true" cryptoAppIndex="1" >
        <OnlinePostActivation destroyOnFailure="true">
          <URL method="POST" 
            <PayloadParameter key="RegistrationIdentifier" value="%_RegistrationIdentifier_%" />
            <PayloadParameter key="Nonce" value="%_Nonce_%" />
            <PayloadParameter key="InitialVector" value="%_InitialVector_%"/>
            <PayloadParameter key="DerivationCode" value="%_DerivationCode_%" />
        <View ...>... </View>

    The cryptoAppIndex attribute of the PostActivation element must define the Digipass cryptographic application used by OneSpan Authentication Server to validate the Digipass derivation code and perform the device binding.

  2. Set the URL of the time synchronization web service of DIGIPASS Gateway in the OnlineSynchronization element with the IP address and port configured when setting up DIGIPASS Gateway.

      <URL method="POST" value="https://DPGATEWAY_HOST:DPGATEWAY_PORT/synchronize" />
  3. Disable the AdvancedActivationV1 element:

    <AdvancedActivationV1 enabled="false" />

  4. Disable the ChecksumV1 element:

    <ChecksumV1 enabled="false" />

For more information about generating the Mobile Authenticator Studio application using the modified XML configuration file, refer to the Mobile Authenticator Studio Customization Guide.