Push and login

DIGIPASS Gateway exposes web services to authenticate a user out-of-band, where the authentication is initiated on a website, transmitted via push notification, and validated with a mobile application, e.g. applications integrating OneSpan Mobile Security Suite.

Push and login workflow for OneSpan Mobile Security Suite (Overview)

Push and login workflow (Overview)

The user must initiate the push and login process by using the website of an application server that communicates with OneSpan Authentication Server. A push notification is then sent to the mobile application, which must retrieve the details of the login request with DIGIPASS Gateway. The mobile application displays the login details, and the user either approves or rejects the login request. Next, the mobile application calls dedicated web services according to the user choice (i.e. approved or rejected). Finally, the user will be notified of the final status on the website.

For more information, see Push and login.