Message Delivery Component configuration

The MDC Configuration Utility writes to an XML configuration file named MDCConfig.xml in the %PROGRAMFILES%\VASCO\IDENTIKEY Authentication Server\bin (Windows) or /etc/vasco/ias (Linux) folder, respectively. It is possible to edit this file directly instead of using the MDC Configuration Utility.

The configuration file is UTF8 encoded. Non-UTF8 encoded characters should not be added to the configuration file, or it will not load.

The following tables list the elements in the configuration file, their default values, and a brief explanation of each.

If your organization is impacted by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), note that the SEAL protocol used for communication with OneSpan Authentication Server must be SSL enabled in the MDC Configuration Utility to be GDPR-compliant.

If the Email Delivery option is selected, ensure that the gateway server is configured to use SSL and TLS encryption.

For more information about GDPR, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server General Data Protection Regulation Compliance Guide.

Table: Message Delivery Component – Configuration and gateway settings
Element name Data type Default value Description
Trace-Header unsigned integer 15  
Trace-Mask unsigned integer 0x00000000  
Trace-File string oas_installation_directory\log\mdc.trace  
Trace-Rotate boolean false  
Trace-Rotate-Count unsigned integer 7  
Trace-Rotate-Type string days  
Trace-Rotate-Days unsigned integer 1  
Trace-Rotate-Size string 1024MB  
Trace-Compress boolean false  
MDC-IP string IP address of the local machine to use.
MDC-Port unsigned integer 20007 Port to listen on for incoming communication.
MDC-Request-Timeout unsigned integer 20 Timeout for requests sent to Message Delivery Component requests (default: 20 seconds). This timeout should be longer than the communication timeouts configured within the gateway settings of MDC.
Max-Workers unsigned integer 30 Maximum number of concurrent Virtual Mobile Authenticator requests allowable.
Enabled boolean False Enable or disable SSL.
Cert-File string %PROGRAMFILES%\VASCO\IDENTIKEY Authentication Server\bin\ikey_mdc_cert.pem The certificate file to use for SSL communication for the MDC server.
Cert-Pass string encrypted-value Password for the private key that is included in the certificate file (Cert-File).
CA-File string <blank> The certificate authority file to use for SSL communication.
Client-Auth-Method string never Controls if or when an SSL client certificate is required.
Reverify-Client-On-Reconnect boolean false Controls whether or not the client should be re-verified upon negotiation.
Supported-Cipher-Suite string VERY_HIGH The SSL cipher suite security level to be used.
Email-Servers, SMS-Servers, Voice-Servers, PushNotification-Servers
Enabled boolean false Enable or disable delivery of Virtual Mobile Authenticator messages.
Failover boolean true Enable or disable failover to a backup gateway if the primary is unavailable.
Failback boolean true Enable or disable failback to a backup gateway if the primary is unavailable.
Load Balancing boolean true Enable or disable load-balancing between gateways.

Table: Message Delivery Component – Proxy settings for SMS and voice servers enumerates the different Proxy settings used in the Message Delivery Component configuration file (nested directly under each SMS-Servers, and Voice-Servers nodes).

Table: Message Delivery Component – Proxy settings for SMS and voice servers
Element name Data type Default value Description
Enabled boolean false Enable or disable use of a proxy server to connect to an SMS gateway.
Address string <blank> IP address of the proxy server to use for non-SSL connections.
Port unsigned integer <blank> Port number to use for non-SSL connections to the proxy server.
User name string <blank> The user name to use in connecting to the proxy server, if required.
Password string <blank> Password to use in connecting to the proxy server, if required.

The settings for each gateway are defined in an MDC profile. Each MDC profile is represented by either of the following nodes:

  • HTTPServerX. For SMS servers, voice servers, and push notification gateways (SMS-Servers, Voice-Servers, and PushNotification-Servers).
  • SMTPServerX. For email servers (Email-Servers node).

where X is a number differentiating one MDC profile/gateway definition from another. These nodes are nested under a ServerList node under each Email-Servers, SMS-Servers, Voice-Servers, or PushNotification-Servers node.

Table: Message Delivery Component – Gateway settings
Element name Data type Default value Description


A list of gateways to use for the respective message type.

ProfileName string <blank> The MDC profile name.
Description string gateway_display_name This is an informational field, naming or describing the HTTP gateway. It can be set to provide a description for a particular service, but is ignored by the MDC service.
Enabled boolean false  
Backup boolean false Whether this SMS gateway should be considered a backup option (used in failover only).
URL string   Required parameter. Sets the URL to the HTTP gateway. The address should not contain any variables, but should contain the protocol identifier. Note: The protocol identifier of “https://” can be used to SSL-encrypt the link between the MDC service and the HTTP gateway. In this case it is required to specify a filename where the server certificates can be found.
Protocol string http SMS HTTP gateway. The protocol to use to connect to the SMS gateway when Add HTTP Gateway is selected.
Protocol string smpp SMS SMPPgateway. The protocol to use to connect to the SMS gateway when Add SMPP Gateway is selected.
Protocol string http Voice gateway. The protocol to use to connect to the voice gateway.
Protocol string smtp Email server gateway. The protocol to use to connect to the e-mail server gateway.
Protocol string https Push notification gateway. The protocol to use in connecting to the push notification gateway, respectively.
Username string <blank>

The user name that the MDC service should use for sending messages via this gateway. The given value will be used as content for the variable [acc_User] in the query string.

For e-mail requests: Only required where the Enable-Auth setting is set to true.

Password string encrypted-value

The password that the MDC service should use for sending messages via this gateway. The given value will be used as content for the variable [acc_pwd] in the query string.

For e-mail requests: Only required where the Enable-Auth setting is set to true.

Port unsigned integer 80 SMS HTTP gateway. Server port to send (http) requests through.
Port unsigned integer 2775 SMS SMPP gateway. Server port to send (smpp) requests through.
Port unsigned integer 25 Email server gateway. Server port to send e-mail requests through.
Port unsigned integer 443 Push notification gateway. Server port to send push notification requests through.
PoolSize unsigned integer 10 Number of unsent SMS messages to queue.
Timeout unsigned integer 5 SMS and voice servers. The amount of time to wait for a response from the SMS and voice server gateways.
Timeout unsigned integer 20 Email server gateway. The amount of time to wait for a response from the email server gateway.
Priority unsigned integer 1 When allocating connections, the connections with lower priority numbers are selected first to be used as the MDC gateway.
Weight unsigned integer 1

The load-balanced gateway selection mode allocates connections from the nodes based on set priorities. Within a given priority, nodes are selected randomly by node weight. Nodes with greater weight are more likely to be selected than those with less weight.

HTTPQuery string


Required parameter. Defines the query string which will be submitted to the http server, either using POST or GET (as specified by HTTPMethod). This string must contain all required variables that are expected by the HTTP gateway. The default value and applicable variables depend on the used gateway.

For a list of pre-defined variables, see Table: Message Delivery Component – HTTP gateway query string variables.

HTTPMethod string GET

Designates either the GET or POST method for use in transferring account and message data to the HTTP/HTTPS gateway after creating an SMS http gateway or a voice gateway. Accepted values:

  • GET
  • POST
PhonePrefix string <blank> Voice server gateway setting. The phone number prefix to be added in front of the phone number as provided by OneSpan Authentication Server before communication with the voice gateway.
Enable-Auth boolean false E-mail gateway setting. This setting flags whether a user name and password must be used by the MDC service to authenticate itself with the mail server. Whether this is required will depend on the configuration of the mail server.
From-Address string <blank> E-mail gateway setting. The text to display in each Virtual Mobile Authenticator email's 'From-Address' field.
Subject string <blank> E-mail gateway setting. The text to display in each Virtual Mobile Authenticator e-mail's 'Subject' field.
Table: Message Delivery Component – HTTP gateway query string variables
Variable Description
[acc_user] Specifies the account name for the gateway which will be used to submit the information.
[acc_pwd] The password for the gateway account specified by the [Username] parameters.
[otp_dest] Specifies the part of the query string, where the destination for the OTP (usually the mobile phone number) will be substituted. The query string should also incorporate any other parameters which might be expected by the gateway.
[otp_msg] Specifies the part of the query string, where the OTP message will be substituted.
Table: Message Delivery Component SMPP server settings
Element name Data type Default value Description
SMPP Settings
SystemType string <blank> This parameter is used to categorize the type of SMPP client that is binding to the SMPP server. It may be used to categorize the system, for instance "EMAIL", "WWW" etc.
MessageMode string Datagram The SMPP Message Mode option, if supported on the SMPP server, allows an SMPP client to select the SMPP server message delivery mechanism. In Datagram Message Mode, typical SMPP server functions such as scheduled or registered delivery do not apply. Datagram Message Mode is designed for high throughput applications.
PriorityFlag unsigned integer 1 This parameter allows the SMPP client originating to assign a priority level to the short message.
PrivacyIndicator string <blank> The privacy indicator indicates the privacy level of the message.
SourceAddress string <blank> Defines the address which originated the message. The source address is taken from the destination address of the original short message that generated the delivery receipt.
DestinationAddress string <blank> Defines the destination address. The destination address is taken from the source address of the original short message that generated the delivery receipt.
Numeric Plan Indicator (NPI) string Unknown

Defines the NPI to be used in the source and destination address parameters for the SMPP client.

For all defined NPI values, see Table: Message Delivery Component - SMPP server settings (Defined NPI values).

Type of Number (TON) string Unknown

Defines the TON to be used in the source and destination address parameters for the SMPP client.

For all defined TON values, see Table: Message Delivery Component – SMPP server settings (Defined TON values).

SMPP Timeout Settings
TransactionTimeout unsigned integer 10 Specifies the time lapse allowed between an SMPP request and the corresponding SMPP response.
InactivityTimeout unsigned integer 300 Specifies the maximum time lapse allowed between transactions, i.e. it specifies the maximum period of time after which, if no SMPP messages are exchanged, the SMPP session may be dropped.
EnquireLinkTimeout unsigned integer 10 Specifies the time lapse allowed between operations after which an SMPP client or server should interrogate whether its peer still has an active session. An enquire-link request will be initiated when this timeout expires.
Table: Message Delivery Component – SMPP server settings (Defined TON values)
TON Value
Unknown 00000000
International 00000001
National 00000010
Network Specific 00000011
Subscriber Number 00000100
Alphanumeric 00000101
Abbreviated 00000110
Table: Message Delivery Component - SMPP server settings (Defined NPI values)
NPI Value
Unknown 00000000
ISDN (E163/E164) 00000001
Data (X.121) 00000011
Telex (F.69) 00000100
Land Mobile (E.212) 00000110
National 00001000
Private 00001001
ERMES 00001010
Internet (IP) 00001110
WAP Client Id (to be defined by WAP Forum) 00010010

Each HTTPServerX node includes a Results node, which lists possible results returned from the gateway and the corresponding message to send back. Each possible result is represented by a ResultX node. Table: Message Delivery Component gateway settings – Results lists the attributes of each ResultX node.

Table: Message Delivery Component gateway settings – Results
Element name Data type Default value Description
Name string   Name of the message type.
Pagematch string   Text returned from the SMS gateway.
MsgType unsigned integer 0  
Message string   Message text to return to OneSpan Authentication Server.

Each HTTPServerX, SMPPServerX, or SMTPServerX node nests an SSL node, which defines the SSL settings (see Table: Message Delivery Component gateway settings – SSL).

Table: Message Delivery Component gateway settings – SSL
Element name Data type Default value Description
CertFile string <blank> The certificate file to use for SSL connections to this gateway. When using the HTTPS protocol, the server certificate file is used to authenticate the message gateway and to derive the data encryption keys. It can contain either one or multiple server certificates.The file needs to be PEM-encoded,X.509 compliant certificate.It can be created by exporting the required Root CA from any browser (eg. Internet Explorer) using the base-64 format - equivalent to PEM.
SSL-Type string None Applies to e-mail gateways only. The SSL-Type controls whether to use SSL, TLS, or neither (i.e. None).