Supported hardware security modules (HSMs)

OneSpan Authentication Server supports the following hardware security modules:

  • Entrust nShield Connect XC (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, 64-bit (x86_64))
  • Entrust nShield Solo XC (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, 64-bit (x86_64))
  • Thales ProtectServer 3 HSM devices
  • Thales ProtectServer 2 HSM devices

When using a Thales ProtectServer HSM, the following is required:

  • ProtectToolkit 5.2 (Thales ProtectServer 2, Thales ProtectServer)

When using an Entrust nShield HSM, the Entrust nShield runtime package must be installed on the OneSpan Authentication Server host. In addition, the following Entrust nShield packages provide additional tools to manage the HSM:

  • Entrust nShield Core Tools
  • CodeSafe

For more information, see Hardware security module setup.