Provides information about common deployment models, performance considerations, and performance statistics.


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Get more information about the factors that affect OneSpan Authentication Server performance.

Deployment Models

Get more information about the deployment models in OneSpan Authentication Server.
Get more information about general deployment considerations in OneSpan Authentication Server.
Get more information about load balancing in OneSpan Authentication Server.
Get more information about rolling upgrades in OneSpan Authentication Server.
Get more information about the basic ODBC deployment model in OneSpan Authentication Server.
Get more information about the advanced ODBC deployment model in OneSpan Authentication Server.
Get more information about the high-availability deployment model in OneSpan Authentication Server.
Get more information about the maximum-availability deployment model in OneSpan Authentication Server.
Get more information about the Wide Area Network (WAN) deployment model in OneSpan Authentication Server.
Get more information about the network HSM deployment model in OneSpan Authentication Server.
Get more information about the internal HSM deployment model in OneSpan Authentication Server.
Get more information about the domain considerations in OneSpan Authentication Server.
Get more information about the domains and organization units in OneSpan Authentication Server.

Audit and Report Performance

Get more information about the audit and report performances in OneSpan Authentication Server.

Performance Baseline

Get more information about how the performance of the current version of OneSpan Authentication Server tests in comparision to previous versions.
Get more information about how to configure OneSpan Authentication Server for performance.