Considerations for setting up User Self-Management Website for self-assignment

When you set up OneSpan User Websites for self-assignment, you need to consider the following requirements for the usage of OneSpan Authentication Server policy settings.

We strongly recommend to use a pre-defined policy, or derive from one of the pre-defined self-assignment policies, e.g. Identikey Windows Self-Assignment.

If you create your own policy or derive it from any other base policy, ensure that you use the following settings:

  • Policy > Back-End Authentication: If needed or Always
  • Policy > Local Authentication: Any authentication mode that includes Digipass
  • DIGIPASS > Assignment Mode: Self-Assignment
  • DIGIPASS > Serial No. Separator: | (pipe)

    The pipe character is the default separator used by OneSpan User Websites for self-assignment. If you choose another separator character, you need to change the User Self-Management Website configuration file accordingly.

If the policy settings are incorrect, self-assignment attempts will probably fail and appear as a failed authentication attempt because of an incorrect static password.