Register OneSpan User Websites in OneSpan Authentication Server

OneSpan User Websites requires a client component record to be created in the OneSpan Authentication Server database. One client component record must exist for each OneSpan User Websites client that is installed at a different location (IP address).

OneSpan User Websites provides different client component types with default values for authentication and the various supported provisioning scenarios (multi-device activation, offline activation using color QR code, online Mobile Authenticator Studio activation, device binding, and offline activation with QR code). If settings for all scenarios are identical, you can use one client component type for all. If settings vary for individual scenarios, you need to use different client component types and create client component records in the OneSpan Authentication Server database as needed.

Each client component record requires a valid license key. However, OneSpan User Websites does not require SOAP authentication to be enabled in the OneSpan Authentication Server license.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have a valid client component license key for OneSpan User Websites. You can obtain a respective license file from the OneSpan Customer Portal, i.e.

Register OneSpan User Websites in OneSpan Authentication Server

To register OneSpan User Websites in OneSpan Authentication Server and allow it to send requests to the server, you need to:

  1. Specify the client component type(s) in the OneSpan User Websites configuration files.
  2. Create a client component record in the OneSpan Authentication Server database.
  3. Apply a client component license key to the client component record.

To specify the client component type for OneSpan User Websites

  1. Open the OneSpan User Websites configuration files, which are located in \webapps\webapp\WEB-INF\classes\ in the Apache Tomcat installation directory.

    • If you want to specify the client component type(s) for User Self-Management Website, edit selfmgmt.conf.
    • If you want to specify the client component type for Virtual Mobile Authenticator OTP Request Website, edit votp.conf.
  2. Edit component.type.authentication as needed. The default value is IDENTIKEY User Websites.
  3. Edit the client component types for provisioning as needed (User Self-Management Website only):

    • component.type.provisioning.dp4mobile.mdl. The client component type for multi-device activation. The default value is UWS MDL Provisioning.
    • component.type.provisioning.dp4mobile.standard. The client component type for offline activation using a QR code, and for device binding. The default value is UWS Standard Provisioning.
    • component.type.provisioning.dp4mobile.dsapp. The client component type for multi-device activation. The default value is UWS DSAPP Based Provisioning.
  4. Save and close the configuration files.
  5. On Linux, restart the Apache Tomcat daemon (onespan-uws). On Windows, restart the Apache Tomcat service (OneSpan User Websites).

To create a client component record for OneSpan User Websites

  1. Log on to the Administration Web Interface and connect to the respective OneSpan Authentication Server instance.
  2. Select CLIENTS > Register.
  3. Depending on the settings in the OneSpan User Websites configuration files, do one of the following:

    • Select IDENTIKEY User Websites from the Client Type list to use the built-in client component type.

    • Type the client component type in the Client Type box.

  4. In the Location box, type the IP address of the server where OneSpan User Websites has been installed.
  5. Select a policy to apply to the client component record from the Policy ID list.

    If you are using the Hardware Digipass Self-Assignment page with a policy other than the OneSpan Authentication Server self-assignment policies, make sure the policy uses the same serial number separator as OneSpan User Websites.

    The default separator used by OneSpan User Websites is the vertical line ('|').

  6. Ensure that SOAP is selected in the Protocol ID list.

  7. Click CREATE.

    The client component record is created in the OneSpan Authentication Server database.

To load a client component license key for OneSpan User Websites

  1. Log on to the Administration Web Interface and connect to the respective OneSpan Authentication Server instance.
  2. Select CLIENTS > List.
  3. Select the client component for OneSpan User Websites .
  4. Switch to the License tab.
  6. Click Choose File and select the license file that was downloaded from the OneSpan Customer Portal.
  7. Click UPLOAD.

    The license file is loaded and verified.

  8. Click FINISH.

Next steps

Repeat this procedure for each OneSpan User Websites instance and/or client component type you wish to deploy.