Mobile Application Shielding Overview

When using Mobile Application Shielding, your applications will go through a series of transformations, which will grant them new capabilities and strengthen them against a wide range of attacks and misuses. Mobile Application Shielding has been designed to perform these transformations directly in the final version of an app and produce a shielded app that is functionally as close as possible to the original app.

In some cases, however, the shielding process modifies a piece of code that should have been left untouched, resulting in performance loss or even an unexpected termination of the application. These articles provide troubleshooting instructions and other information you will find useful to identify and fix issues that might occur when working with Mobile Application Shielding.

In case you cannot find a solution to an issue in this guide, gather all relevant data and contact OneSpan Support. For more information, see Contact OneSpan Support.