What's new in the Secure Messaging SDK Server

This section provides an overview of changes introduced in the Secure Messaging SDK Server to facilitate the integration of the SDK and provide information on backward compatibility.

Previous versions



The Secure Messaging SDK Server has been re-factored to modernize and improve the code resulting in the following changes. We recommend that you review your integrations to make sure these changes are reflected in your code.

General changes

  • Migrated from .NET Framework to .NET 6
  • Added the ISecureMessagingSDKServer interface
  • Replaced the SecureMessagingSDKServer class with the ISecureMessagingSDKServer interface
  • Added the SecureMessagingSDKServerProvider class used to create an instance of the ISecureMessagingSDKServer
  • Renamed namespace from Com.Vasco to OneSpan
  • Renamed the KeyValueText interface to IKeyValueText
  • Added C# XML comments

Changes in the SecureMessagingSDKException class

  • Updated the GetErrorMessage() method to the Message property
  • Updated the GetErrorCode() method to the ErrorCode property
  • Deleted the SetErrorCode() method

Changes in the FormattedText class

  • Updated the IsBold() method to the IsBold property
  • Updated the IsItalic() method to the IsItalic property
  • Updated the IsInverse() method to the IsInverse property
  • Updated the GetColor() method to the Color property
  • Updated the GetTextAlignment() method to the TextAlignment property
  • Updated the getFontTableIndex() method to the FontTableIndex property

Changes in the SecureChannelResponse class

  • Updated the GetVersion() method to the Version property
  • Updated the GetFunctionId() method to the FunctionId property
  • Updated the GetReturnValue() method to the ReturnValue property

Changes in the KeyValue class

  • Updated GetKey() method to Key property
  • Updated GetValue() method to Value property

Changes in the MultiFormattedText class

  • Updated the GetFormattedTextList() method to the FormattedTextList property
  • Update the GetTextAlignment() method the TextAlignment property
  • Updated the GetFontTableIndex() method to the FontTableIndex property



Target API increased to Android 12 (API 31)

To meet new requirements for apps published on the Google Play Store, the target version of the SDK has been increased to Android 12 with API 31. This change is needed to avoid APK rejection caused by security issues found with the older API versions.

Minimum supported version increased to Android 6 (API 23)

The minimum supported version has been increased to fully support new features and devices. Deprecated code has been replaced and simplified to be compatible with API 23 or higher.


Increased the minimum supported version to iOS 13

The minimum supported version has been increased to fully support all ARM64 devices and SwiftUI features. Deprecated code has been removed and replaced with code fully supporting iOS 13 or higher.

Fixed internal error conversion issues

Error codes converted between Objective-C and Swift need to have the NSCustomError setting implemented to display the correct value. Without this setting, the wrong codes could be displayed from the enum. The setting has been implemented in all the remaining error handling objects.

Change of framework name to MSSSecureMessagingClient

The framework name has been changed from SecureMessagingClientSDK.xcframework to MSSSecureMessagingClient.xcframework.

Version 4.26.1


Delivering AAR file instead of JAR

AAR files are the current standard for Android libraries. For this reason, the JAR file has been replaced with an AAR file. For more information, see Integrate the Secure Messaging SDK Client and the section on Android, or refer to the sample included in the product package.

API updates – NSErrors API support for Objective-C added

The Objective-C API points no longer throw an NSException. All API points that previously would throw such an NSException now require an NSError pointer. If an error occurs, it will be attached to the pointer that is provided as a parameter. Refer to the Objective-C sample included in the product package for full code examples.