The User Input ASM can optionally be included in your app. This ASM authenticates the user during FIDO operations. It ASM contains two sets of authenticators to handle a local secret: one for PIN and one for password. Each of the authenticators can handle only one local secret.

The ASM requests the user to manually enter a local secret known only by the user. This local secret can be a PIN or a password. The characters of the secret the user enters are hidden. Once the local secret has been entered and confirmed, the enrollment is completed. The weakness of the local secret can be verified during the enrollment, if this option is enabled.

When several accounts are registered with these authenticators, the first account enrolls a local secret; for the other accounts the user must authenticate by entering the same local secret. This has to be repeated until all the accounts registered with a given authenticator are deregistered.

Weak password control

User Input ASM authenticator uses the weak password control mechanism, the detection rules for weak passwords are:

  • The difference between consecutive digits of the password must vary. Example: 12345 is a weak password because the difference between the consecutive digits is always +1.

  • A row of 0s (N-1 0s for a PIN of N digits) followed by a number (e.g. 00003) or a number followed by a row of 0s (e.g. 2000) are not valid. (This is the ATM mimic.)

Weak password control is used during the activation process and on password change.

Weak password control with numeric passwords
Password Steps suite Control result
123456 1 1 1 1 1 FAIL
111111 0 0 0 0 0 FAIL
678901 1 1 1 -9 1 SUCCESS
02468 2 2 2 2 2 FAIL
876543 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 FAIL
123467 1 1 1 2 1 SUCCESS
415263 -3 4 -3 4-3 SUCCESS
Weak password control with alphanumeric passwords
Password Decimal Value Steps suite Control result
ABCDEF 65,66,67,68,69,70 1 1 1 1 1 FAIL
tsrqpo 116, 115, 114, 113, 112, 111 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 FAIL
Weak password control with ATM rule
Password Control result
000005 FAIL
200000 FAIL
007000 SUCCESS


To integrate this ASM, first add the Common ASM to your application’s module build.gradle file. See Dependencies for more information about the Common ASM Android dependencies.

Next, add the User Input ASM artifact and ConstraintLayout dependency. After adding these items, the build.gradle file should look like this:

dependencies {
     // CommonASM and its dependencies
     api files("path to library/FIDOUAFUserInputASM.aar")
     api "androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.0.4"
     implementation "androidx.annotation:annotation:1.2.0"
     implementation "com.esotericsoftware:kryo:5.1.1"
     implementation "org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:1.65"


The following Android permission will be added automatically to your binary:

  • android.permission.VIBRATE: The phone will vibrate when the user clicks buttons on the PIN pad, or when a wrong PIN is entered.

Descriptor and metadata

According to your requirements (i.e. use PIN or Password authenticators independently or at the same time), add the following lines to the descriptorclass array in your res/raw/asmdescriptors.json file:


See Embedding an authenticator for more details.

The ASM is delivered with the following metadata files for Android:

  • PIN
    • BD51#0005 (secure hardware protected devices with ECDSA)
    • BD51#0007 (software protected devices with ECDSA)
  • Password
    • BD51#0008 (secure hardware protected devices with ECDSA)
    • BD51#000A (software protected devices with ECDSA)


You can omit the customization of the ASM—this is an optional feature of the FIDO Authentication Solution!

PIN customization

To facilitate the customization, you can use the default resources from the package (FIDO UAF SDK /Android/User Input ASM/Values).

You can use the Android XML system to customize the ASM.

To facilitate the customization, you can use the default resources from the package (FIDO UAF SDK /Android/User Input ASM/Values).

User Input ASM—PIN Registration on Android shows the customized PIN registration screen on an Android device.

User Input ASM—PIN Registration on Android

Functional data

The following functional data (as integer values) can be customized via the integers.xml file:

User Input ASM PIN Customization—Functional Data
Key Default text Description
vds_asm_pin_length 6 PIN length, from 4 to 8


The following raw string values can be customized via the strings.xml file:

User Input ASM PIN Customization—Strings
Key Default text Description
vds_asm_pin_text_title PIN Authenticator Title PIN Authenticator
vds_asm_pin_text_description You must define a PIN to authenticate yourself during sensitive operations. Description
vds_asm_pin_text_registration Choose a PIN Text for registration
vds_asm_pin_text_confirmation Confirm your PIN Text for confirmation
vds_asm_pin_text_authentication Enter your PIN Text for authentication
vds_asm_pin_error_weak The PIN is too simple. Choose a more complex PIN. Weak PIN error
vds_asm_pin_error_confirmation The PIN confirmation has failed. Make sure you entered the same PIN twice. PIN confirmation error
vds_asm_pin_text_error_failure The authentication has failed. Text displayed in case of authentication failure


The following colors in #argb and #rgb hex format can be customized via the colors.xml file.

User Input ASM PIN Customization—Colors
Key Default text Description
vds_asm_pin_text_color #ff000000 Text color
vds_asm_pin_background_color #ffffffff Background color
vds_asm_pin_input_color #ffffc107 Secure input color
vds_asm_pin_arrow_color #ffffc107 Delete arrow color
vds_asm_pin_digit_color #ff000000 PIN pad digits color
vds_asm_pin_text_error_color #ffff0000 Text color in case of error


The following dimen-type dimensions with values like dp, px, or sp can be customized via the dimens.xml file.

User Input ASM PIN Customization—Dimensions
Key Default text Description
vds_asm_pin_padding 20dp PIN dialog padding


PIN digit size
vds_asm_pin_digit_spacing 10dp PIN digit spacing
vds_asm_pin_clue_size 25dp PIN square clue size
vds_asm_pin_clue_spacing 0dp PIN square clue spacing
vds_asm_pin_clue_margin 0dp PIN square clue margin
vds_asm_pinpad_title_text_min_size 12sp Minimum size of the PIN title
vds_asm_pinpad_title_text_max_size 20sp Maximum size of the PIN title
vds_asm_pinpad_error_text_min_size 12sp Minimum size of the PIN error text
vds_asm_pinpad_error_text_max_size 20sp Maximum size of the PIN error text
vds_asm_pinpad_text_size_granularity 1sp Granularity of the title and the error text


You can customize the icon that is displayed when the user has to choose between authenticators. It depends on the following resource string:

  • vds_asm_pin_icon_drawable_name

The string value (by default vds_asm_pin_icon) corresponds to the name of a drawable resource, usually located in the drawable part of the Android resources system (e.g. res/drawable/vds_asm_pin_icon.png).

PIN Icon—Example

Password customization

To facilitate the customization, you can use the default resources from the package (FIDO UAF SDK /Android/User Input ASM/Values).

You can use the Android XML system to customize the ASM.

To facilitate the customization, you can use the default resources from the package (FIDO UAF SDK /Android/User Input ASM/Values).

User Input ASM—Password Registration on Android shows the customized password registration screen on an Android device.

User Input ASM—Password Registration on Android

Functional data

The following data (as integer values) can be customized via the integers.xml file:

User Input ASM Password Customization—Functional Data
Key Default text Description
vds_asm_password_length_min 6 Password min length (from 4)
vds_asm_password_length_max 255 Password max length (up to 255)


The following raw string values can be customized via the strings.xml file:

User Input ASM Password Customization—Strings
Key Default text Description
vds_asm_password_text_title Password Authenticator Title
vds_asm_password_text_description You must define a password to authenticate yourself during sensitive operations. Description
vds_asm_password_text_registration Choose a password Text for registration
vds_asm_password_text_confirmation Confirm your password Text for confirmation
vds_asm_password_text_authentication Enter your password Text for authentication
vds_asm_password_error_weak The password is too simple. Choose a more complex password. Weak password error
vds_asm_password_error_confirmation The password confirmation has failed. Make sure you entered the same password twice. Password confirmation error
vds_asm_password_text_error_failure The authentication has failed. Text displayed in case of authentication failure
vds_asm_password_text_placeholder Password Placeholder
vds_asm_password_button_validation_text OK Text for validation button


The following colors in #argb and #rgb hex format can be customized via the colors.xml file.

User Input ASM Password Customization—Colors
Key Default text Description
vds_asm_password_background_color #ffffffff Background color
vds_asm_password_button_validation_text_color_enabled #ff000000 Text color for validation button enabled
vds_asm_password_button_validation_text_color_disabled #ffa6a6a6 Text color for validation button disabled
vds_asm_password_button_validation_background_color #ffd9d9d9 Background color for validation button
vds_asm_password_text_error_color #ffff0000 Text color in case of error
vds_asm_password_text_color #ff000000 Password text color


The following dimen-type dimensions with values like dp, px, or sp can be customized via the dimens.xml file.

User Input Password ASM Customization—Dimensions
Key Default text Description
vds_asm_password_buttons_horizontal_margin 0dp Left and right margin of the validation button
vds_asm_password_buttons_vertical_margin 5dp Top and bottom margin of the validation button and the password input
vds_asm_password_screen_padding 16dp Padding of the password dialog
vds_asm_password_dialog_spacing_vertical 16dp Outer margin of the password dialog
vds_asm_password_title_text_size 20sp Size of the title text


You can customize the icon that is displayed when the user has to choose between authenticators. It depends on the following resource string:

  • vds_asm_password_icon_drawable_name

The string value (by default vds_asm_password_icon) corresponds to the name of a drawable resource, usually located in the in the drawable part of the Android resources system (e.g. res/drawable/vds_asm_password_icon.png).

Password Icon—Example

You can use the Android XML system to customize the ASM.User Input ASM—Password Registration on Android shows the customized password registration screen on an Android device.


To integrate this ASM, add the following dependencies to your app:

  • All the Common ASM iOS dependencies as listed in Dependencies.
  • FIDOUAFUserInputASMResources.bundle (linked framework and libraries)
  • FIDOUAFUserInputASM.xcframework (linked framework and libraries)

Initialization and metadata

To integrate the PIN or password authenticator with C++

  • According to your requirements (i.e. use PIN or password authenticators independently or at the same time), add the following lines to AppDelegate in the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method:

    #import <FIDOUAFUserInputASM/FIDOUserInputASMInstanceCreator.hpp>

See Embedding an authenticator for more details.

The ASM is delivered with the following metadata files for iOS:

  • PIN
    • BD51#000B (secure hardware protected devices with ECDSA)
  • Password
    • BD51#000D (secure hardware protected devices with ECDSA)

To integrate the PIN or password authenticator with Swift/Objective-C

  • According to your requirements (i.e. use PIN or password authenticators independently or at the same time), add the following lines to AppDelegate in the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method:

    import FIDOUAFUserInputASM
    // Add user input PIN authenticator to ASM
    // Add user input password to ASM

See Embedding an authenticator for more details.

The ASM is delivered with the following metadata files for iOS:

  • PIN
    • BD51#000B (secure hardware protected devices with ECDSA)
  • Password
    • BD51#000D (secure hardware protected devices with ECDSA)


You can omit the customization of the ASM—this is an optional feature of the FIDO Authentication Solution!

PIN customization

You can use the iOS Localizable.strings to customize the ASM. User Input ASM—PIN Registration on iOS shows the customized PIN registration screen on an iOS device.

User Input ASM—PIN Registration on iOS

Customization keys

The following keys are available for the customization of this authenticator:

User Input ASM—PIN Customization Keys
Key Default text Description
vds_asm_pin_length 6 PIN length, from 4 to 8
vds_asm_pin_text_title PIN Authenticator Title
vds_asm_pin_text_description You must define a PIN to authenticate yourself during sensitive operations. Description
vds_asm_pin_text_registration Choose a PIN Text for registration
vds_asm_pin_text_confirmation Confirm your PIN Text for confirmation
vds_asm_pin_text_authentication Enter your PIN Text for authentication
vds_asm_pin_error_weak The PIN is too simple. Choose a more complex PIN. Weak PIN error
vds_asm_pin_error_confirmation The PIN confirmation has failed. Make sure you entered the same PIN twice. PIN confirmation error
vds_asm_pin_text_error_failure The authentication has failed. Text displayed in case of authentication failure
vds_asm_pin_text_color #ff000000 Text color
vds_asm_pin_background_color #ffffffff Background color
vds_asm_pin_input_color #ffffc107 Secure input color
vds_asm_pin_arrow_color #ffffc107 Delete arrow color
vds_asm_pin_digit_color #ff000000 PIN pad digits color
vds_asm_pin_text_error_color #ffff0000 Text color in case of error


You can customize the icon that is displayed when the user has to choose between authenticators. It depends on the following resource string:

  • vds_asm_pin_icon

The string value (by default user_input_pin) corresponds to the name of a drawable resource, usually located in the drawable part of the iOS resources system (e.g. userinput_pin.png).

PIN Icon—Example

Dark mode support

The Tutorial App is delivered with a storyboard called FIDO_UAF_UserInputPinASM.storyboard (see Tutorial App—User Input ASM PIN Storyboard).

By modifying it, it is possible to customize fonts and colors. The Dark mode is managed by declaring named colors in the Assets catalog Images.xcassets. This feature requires iOS 11 or later. The storyboard takes over the string customization of colors as soon as it is added in the integrating project.

FIDO_UAF_UserInputPinASM.storyboard in XCode

Tutorial App—User Input ASM PIN Storyboard

This storyboard contains several links to outlets that are defined inside the FIDOUAFUserInputASM.xcframework. These links cannot be restored if they are removed.

The error in the storyboard (see Tutorial App User Input ASM PIN Storyboard—Error Message) is displayed by default and does not indicate that the compilation has failed.

Tutorial App User Input ASM PIN Storyboard—Error Message

Password customization

You can use the iOS Localizable.strings to customize the ASM. User Input ASM—Password Registration on iOS shows the customized password registration screen on an iOS device.

User Input ASM—Password Registration on iOS

Customization keys

The following keys are available for the customization of this authenticator:

User Input ASM—Password Customization Keys
Key Default text Description
vds_asm_password_length_min 6 Password min length (from 4)
vds_asm_password_length_max 255 Password max length (up to 255)
vds_asm_password_text_title Password Authenticator Title
vds_asm_password_text_description You must define a password to authenticate yourself during sensitive operations. Description
vds_asm_password_text_registration Choose a password Text for registration
vds_asm_password_text_confirmation Confirm your password Text for confirmation
vds_asm_password_text_authentication Enter your password Text for authentication
vds_asm_password_error_weak The password is too simple. Choose a more complex password. Weak password error
vds_asm_password_error_confirmation The password confirmation has failed. Make sure you entered the same password twice. Password confirmation error
vds_asm_password_text_error_failure The authentication has failed. Text displayed in case of authentication failure
vds_asm_password_text_placeholder Password Placeholder
vds_asm_password_button_validation_text OK Text for validation button
vds_asm_password_text_color #ff000000 Text color
vds_asm_password_background_color #ffffffff Background color
vds_asm_password_button_validation_text_color_enabled #ff000000 Text color for validation button enabled
vds_asm_password_button_validation_text_color_disabled #ffa6a6a6 Text color for validation button disabled
vds_asm_password_button_validation_background_color #ffd9d9d9 Background color for validation button


You can customize the icon that is displayed when the user has to choose between authenticators. It depends on the following resource string:

  • vds_asm_password_icon

The string value (by default userinput_password) corresponds to the name of a drawable resource, usually located in the iOS resources system (e.g. vds_asm_password_icon).

Password Icon—Example

Dark mode support

The Tutorial App is delivered with a storyboard called FIDO_UAF_UserInputPasswordASM.storyboard (see Tutorial App—User Input ASM Password Storyboard).

Modify this storyboard to customize fonts and colors. To manage the Dark mode, declare named colors in the Assets catalog Images.xcassets. The storyboard takes over the string customization of colors as soon as it is added in the integrating project.

This feature requires iOS 11 or later.

FIDO_UAF_UserInputPinASM.storyboard in XCode

Tutorial App—User Input ASM Password Storyboard

This storyboard contains several links to outlets that are defined inside the FIDOUAFUserInputASM.xcframework. These links cannot be restored if they are removed.