Duo_Liang submitted December 19 2018

This tool is encapsulated as an Executive Jar, so you need to install the JRE/JDK environment in order to run the Jar.

Before you start:

Before you get started, please contact our support team at [email protected] and make sure all the necessary account settings have been transferred to the target account.

Copy Modes:

Mode 1 - Copy templates and layouts of all senders to respective senders under target account.

Mode 2 - Copy templates and layouts of all senders to the target account owner.

Mode 3 - Only copy the templates and layouts under the API key holder.

Worthy of Note:

- Source and target accounts can be in the same environment.

- It's expected that templates migrated from Sandbox environments will have watermarks remaining. To work this around, move the original documents to a specified folder, name them as they are in the templates and select the folder before performing the migration.


For more detailed instructions on how to use the tool, check the developer blog "Template Layout Copy Tool".



Update - 2024/10/08:

- Fix an issue where the "Remove Default Consent" flag remained enabled even when the radio button was disabled


Update - 2024/03/28:

- Add a JVM argument to use system default proxy


Update - 2024/01/19:

- Resolve the issue of accent characters appearing incorrectly when copying layouts.


Update 1.6.3 - 2024/01/19:

- Reduce page size from 100 to 30


Update 1.6.2 - 2023/10/06:

- To ensure that the Template & Layout Copy Tool remains functional in the latest OSS SaaS environment, you are required to upgrade to the latest version 1.6.2.


Update 1.6.1 - 2022/01/13:

- When copying layouts, the tool will download the flattened document in order to reduce the file size


Update 1.6.0 - 2021/11/30:

- Templates and Layouts will be sorted in Alphabetic order

- When select copy mode 1 and match source senders to target senders, clicking on sender's label will bring over individual sender to the target account

- Allowed going back and forward to review the migration results

- Added a confirmation message after successfully migration the layouts

- Corrected some grammar errors


Update 1.5.8 - 2021/11/26 :

1. When there are conditional fields, the tool will check if the document IDs and the field IDs exist in the original template/layout before creating a new template/layout in the target account.


Update 1.5.7 - 2021/09/23 :

1. Fixed an issue that after copying, the new package sender still appears the old sender's first and last name, instead of applying the actual sender profile name


Update 1.5.6 - 2021/08/04 :

1. Trying to fix the issue introduced by 1.5.5 - when destination account has removed the default-consent form already, an error saying "Copy Reminder or Visibility fails for template xxx" appears. Now, as long as the end user didn't toggle the remove option, the tool won't hit the same error.


Update 1.5.5 - 2021/06/01 :

1. introduced an additional option to remove auto-generated default consent form when copying template.


Update 1.5.4 - 2021/04/27 :

1. fixed the "pastDueDate" issue by removing the "due" and "created" attributes when copying the template / layout.


Update 1.5.3 - 2020/07/13 :

1. fixed an issue caused by different API modelling in sandbox vs production environments, when copying senders.


Update 1.5.2 - 2020/04/27 :

1. fixed a bug introduced by previous code change and caused that the layout copy function didn't work properly.

2. modified the option texts in process 3.

3. fixed duplicated slashes in the API URLs.


Update 1.5.1 - 2020/04/24 :

1. fixed a bug for on-prem environment that the endpoint URL wasn't concatenated properly


Update 1.5.0 - 2020/04/06 :

1. add the proxy capability, allow to manually choose proxy ip/port or use a proxy script, also allow proxy authentication

2. for on-premise users, allow to specify environment URL

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Darlene | Posts: 1

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Can't find the documents for Fresh Start Finance
Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

Reply to: Template & Layout Copy Tool - Java version

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Hi Darlene, Did you encounter an issue running the tool? Could you describe more detailed information on "can't find the documents"? Duo
klee | Posts: 3

Reply to: Template & Layout Copy Tool - Java version

1 votes
Hi, when doing a copy of the layout from one sand box account (sandbox.e-signlive.ca) to another using this tool I get the error re: certificates. "sun.security.validator.validatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuildderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target Could you please advise a solution to this?
klee | Posts: 3

Reply to: Template & Layout Copy Tool - Java version

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This error happens on "test Connection" - using both options : With API KEY or With Credentials
Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

Reply to: Template & Layout Copy Tool - Java version

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Hi Klee, Does your local machine connected through a proxy? Can you change another network like using hotspot from mobile and try again? This issue should be caused because JVM was not specified with proxy configuration. Duo
klee | Posts: 3

Reply to: Template & Layout Copy Tool - Java version

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Thanks ! I used the tool on a different n/w as you suggested and it worked fine.
Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

Reply to: Template & Layout Copy Tool - Java version

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Glad to hear that!
cindy | Posts: 381

Reply to: Template & Layout Copy Tool - Java version

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Hi Duo,

Regarding this Copy tool, does it only copy the template and layout between the accounts? or it can copy all the account settings between accounts? and can they copy between different environment? for example, can I copy the accounts between DEV env and PTE env?




Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

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Hi Cindy,


This tool only copies Template and Layout, and can copy across environments. For export/import settings across accounts, OneSpan Sign introduced the out-of-the-box capability at the BackOffice since SaaS version 11.28(Release Note here, and search "export")



cindy | Posts: 381

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thanks for the information. so in current on-prem v11.25, there is no export/import setting function until v11.28. but in v11.25, it can use copy tool to copy the template and layout between the accounts across environments, correct?

serenapotts3 | Posts: 10

Reply to: Template & Layout Copy Tool - Java version

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When you use the tool to copy templates from a sandbox to production account, the SANDBOX watermark appeared to be on the documents. Is there anyway to remove this? Or do the layouts need to be saved to maintain the fields and the documents need to be deleted and uploaded to the template again?

serenapotts3 | Posts: 10

Reply to: Template & Layout Copy Tool - Java version

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When you use the tool to copy templates from a sandbox to production account, the SANDBOX watermark appeared to be on the documents. Is there anyway to remove this? Or do the layouts need to be saved to maintain the fields and the documents need to be deleted and uploaded to the template again?

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

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Hi Serena,


For layout, watermark shouldn't be a concern, because for document itself, only the page size and the page number matters.

For template, I provided an option to let you choose a folder where you'd collect all the original documents inside with the original name as specified in the Template.




Deanne | Posts: 2

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Hello Duo

When I use the file, I am receiving an error that the number of uploaded files does not match number of documents specified in the package.  I have checked all the templates to the files in the folder and there is one copy of each file.  If I re-use a file from one template to another, do I need to have multiple copies of the file in the folder as well?
Why would I receive this message? 


Deanne | Posts: 2

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Hello Duo

When I use the file, I am receiving an error that the number of uploaded files does not match number of documents specified in the package.  I have checked all the templates to the files in the folder and there is one copy of each file.  If I re-use a file from one template to another, do I need to have multiple copies of the file in the folder as well?
Why would I receive this message? 


cindy | Posts: 381

Reply to: Template & Layout Copy Tool - Java version

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before copying the layout & template, we'd like to backup the source account setting first ( or just backup the existing layout and templates)  in case something goes wrong. so what do you suggest to backup the account setting?




Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

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Hi Cindy,


Theoretically, the tool won't change anything in the source sender.

But if you want to back up all existing templates, you can (1)in sender UI (2)create a new template, chosen the template from each of the original template (3)give this backup a different name, so that you can distinguish them when you run the tool.

Similarly, for layouts, you can apply the layout to a same page size document, and re-save it as a new layout. Or directly re-save the layout from the original template/package. 



cindy | Posts: 381

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basically you saying duplicate the templates/layouts, and copy the original ones when selected. actually, in our exercises, we normally copy all to the destination, otherwise, we need to let the admin know which ones need to copy (I guess in the tool, it lists the name of layout/templates to choose), right?



cindy | Posts: 381

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from copy tool, if I choose the source account as owner account, it will list all the layout/templates including the ones created by sender account.

and if I query list of template via API (/api/packages?type=TEMPLATE&from=1&to=100), it only target to individual account (either owner or sender based on API key). 

So is there API call which can get the full list same as what copy tool does? or in copy tool, it queries individual account and combine the result together?





Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

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Hi Cindy,


Yes, in the copy tool, I first queried the API Keys of all senders, then pulled templates and layouts using each individual's API Key. If you want to do the same, you need to do the same:
(1)get sender's API Key:
GET /api/account/senders/{senderId}/apiKey

(2)get templates:
GET /api/packages?type=TEMPLATE&from=1&to=100



cindy | Posts: 381

Reply to: Template & Layout Copy Tool - Java version

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Hi Duo,

we tried to use 'copy tool' copy 1 layout from sender account to 1 owner account. (this sender is under the owner). 

after copying, the Owner said he can't see this layout unless he clicked "show share", then he can see it. I use API call to queried the Owner account and found the layout is in the owner's account. so do you have an idea why the owner can't see it even it's already there?





cindy | Posts: 381

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no worry about the question i asked this morning, we tried it again and it works.

sorry for any inconvenience. 

By the way, I have a suggestion for improvement, every time when I finish one copy, i can't continue to the next, i have to close the tool and re-launch it again. if can go back to step 1 after finishing 1 copy will be much easy.



cindy | Posts: 381

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nice to see the new function.

I am curious, when I put our on-prem environment with API key, it can validate the connection,  from the command prompt, it seems you all used API call, but if I need to connect to our on-prem env, I need certification/identity to connect. but it seems you don't need. I am just wondering is it secure?



cindy | Posts: 381

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0 votes


nice to see the new function.

I am curious, when I put our on-prem environment with API key, it can validate the connection,  from the command prompt, it seems you all used API call, but if I need to connect to our on-prem env, I need certification/identity to connect. but it seems you don't need. I am just wondering is it secure?



alihipo | Posts: 1

Reply to: Template & Layout Copy Tool - Java version

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Hi Duo,

Thank you for this nice tool. I've started to get error when i clicked the "invite senders" button in process 2 option 1. I am using the latest version v1.5.2

Please see the error log:
Fail to invite sender: <i hid the email> , Reason: {"messageKey":"error.internal.default","technical":"Unrecognized field \"kmsTenantId\" (Class com.silanis.esl.api.model.Account), not marked as ignorable\n at [Source: io.undertow.servlet.spec.ServletInputStreamImpl@13bfe14e; line: 1, column: 557] (through reference chain: com.silanis.esl.api.model.Sender[\"account\"]->com.silanis.esl.api.model.Account[\"kmsTenantId\"])","message":"Unexpected error. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you, please try again. If the problem persists, please contact our support team.","code":500,"name":"Unhandled Server Error"}

This was working just fine last month. I believe some api changes causing the issue.


Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

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Hi Ali,


Thanks for bringing it up to me! I can reproduce the same and seems it's caused by the different API modelling between OneSpan Sign sandbox and production environments. ("kmsTenantId" field exists in sandbox sender profile but can't be recognized in production environment) I've did some code changes and should work now, kindly download the latest version 1.5.3, and have some quick tests on sandbox environments before applying to your production account.



jchan | Posts: 1

Reply to: Template & Layout Copy Tool - Java version

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Hi Duo Liang,

We're attempting to use this to duplicate the templates in an account.  This is for the purpose of refreshing the consent forms in a template.

Curious how this applet will handle a connection failure/connection reset. I can imagine a potential implementation of the app specification where it checks the templates in the destination match up. However, we just want the templates to duplicate once.

Could you take some time to explain?

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

Reply to: Template & Layout Copy Tool - Java version

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Hi jchan,


For recovery consent form purpose, I have another Add Consent Document Tool specifically for this use case. And below are steps you may want to follow:

Step1: Create a copy of existing template

- Log onto the sender portal: https://sandbox.esignlive.com/a/login / https://apps.esignlive.com/a/login

- Navigate to Templates list

- Create a new template, and choose the existing one as a template

- Give the new template a different name (template name should be unique) and create

Step2: Execute the tool, upload your customized consent form, and choose the target template

Step3(optional): If you've removed the default consent, recover it by contacting support team ([email protected]). This is because if there's no consent form specified at the account level, even if your template has consent form, transactions created out of the template still won't inherit it.



aaron.chan | Posts: 2

Reply to: Template & Layout Copy Tool - Java version

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I tried using the 'copy tool' to copy the layouts under a sender account from sandbox to production. Only 4 out of 32 were copied successfully, the other 28 gave the error message that the due date should be in the future shown below. From a user perspective they only are able to create a new layout template, not edit or view any details associated with them. Please let me know how to resolve this error.

Log output: 
https://apps.esignlive.com/api/packages : {"messageKey":"error.validation.settingDueDate.pastDueDate","message":"Due date must be in the future.","code":400,"name":"Validation Error"}

Malejora | Posts: 1

Reply to: Template & Layout Copy Tool - Java version

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Hello, in the transfer from sandbox to production in some templates I get this error:

oYTMHNZ9ioopRxatP61Sd6P7kuc= : https://apps.e-signlive.com/api/packages : {"messageKey":"error.validation.invalidPageLocation","parameters":{"approvalDataName":"RW65Vy03q3w1","scaledPositionPage":20,"documentPageSize":18},"message":"Invalid position. Object placed outside of document page boundary.","code":400,"name":"Validation Error"}



Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

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Hi Malejora,


As the error message suggested, the signature/field is outside of the document page boundary. Are you placing all the original documents in a folder and specifying the path in the tool? Could you do a quick test without specifying the path - in which case the sandbox watermark will also be copied to the production environment.



CandiceOllila | Posts: 4

Reply to: Template & Layout Copy Tool - Java version

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I am getting an error that states: "Copy Reminder or Visibility fail for template....." when trying to copy templates. what does this mean?
Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

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This is a fast track link, could you share the original template ID as well? You can find it in "TEMPLATE" tab if you logged onto your sender portal (https://sandbox.esignlive.com/a/login). 



CandiceOllila | Posts: 4

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There is nothing that shows my a template ID when I go into the template tab or into that template.  This is the URL from the Template.  Is this the ID on the end? 


Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

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Hi Candice,


I believe even with the error, the template should have been copied to the new account (this is because the copy visibility and reminder is the very latest step which won't affect the previous progress). You can have a quick check in your production sender portal and run some smoke tests to see if everything functions as expected, especially the reminder settings.


Back to the issue, I believe the error was introduced because of the "remove default consent form" logic (you might have noticed there's an option in the tool UI). This might occur if the destination account has default-consent removed already. I will release a new version 1.5.6 in short time and if you are interested, you could (1)delete the existing copied template (2)re-execute the tool and see if the error message went away.





amfulton | Posts: 33

Reply to: Template & Layout Copy Tool - Java version

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Hi Duo,

I am trying to copy template layouts from Sandbox to PROD using v1.5.6.  I have used this many times without issue.  Today I am receiving the following error:  "Request did not success.  Error retrieving sender's api key with email....xxxxxxxxxxxxx, please try again."  Note: I am trying to copy under Option 2 - under target account owner.  I need these templates to PROD for tomorrow.  Are you able to assist?  I have raised a ticket with Support as well.


amfulton | Posts: 33

Reply to: Template & Layout Copy Tool - Java version

0 votes

Hi Duo,

I am trying to copy template layouts from Sandbox to PROD using v1.5.6.  I have used this many times without issue.  Today I am receiving the following error:  "Request did not success.  Error retrieving sender's api key with email....xxxxxxxxxxxxx, please try again."  Note: I am trying to copy under Option 2 - under target account owner.  I need these templates to PROD for tomorrow.  Are you able to assist?  I have raised a ticket with Support as well.


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