To download the full code sample see our Code Share site.

A consent document is a document used to confirm that a person agrees to the terms of the transaction and wishes to continue with the process. This topic shows you how to create a consent document in OneSpan Sign.

OneSpan Sign automatically includes the Electronic Disclosures and Signatures Consent agreement in all its transactions. All signers must accept the terms of this agreement before they can access transaction documents.

Currently, OneSpan Sign provides Electronic Disclosures and Signatures Consent agreements in English and French. If you would like to provide an Electronic Disclosures and Signatures Consent agreement in different language, or if you do not want this agreement in your transactions, please contact our Support Team.

Adding a Consent Document

If you need a comparison to the basic object creation procedure, or if this is the first time creating a transaction, see Creating and Sending a Transaction.

 .withDocument(DocumentBuilder.newDocumentWithName("Sample consent")   .atIndex(1)   .fromFile("C:/Users/hhaidary/Desktop/PDFs/consent.pdf")   .withSignature(SignatureBuilder.acceptanceFor("[email protected]"))) 

It is important to note that using acceptance signature styles with other signature styles together in one document is not allowed. You can also replace the default OneSpan Sign consent document with your own. To do this you will have to contact our Support Team.


Once you have completed this procedure your Electronic Consent Document will be included with every transaction. Your signers can then choose to either accept the terms of document, or decline the signing process.

To download the full code sample see our Code Share site.

A consent document is a document used to confirm that a person agrees to the terms of the transaction and wishes to continue with the process.This topic shows you how to create a consent document in OneSpan Sign.

OneSpan Sign automatically includes the Electronic Disclosures and Signatures Consent agreement in all its transactions. All signers must accept the terms of this agreement before they can access transaction documents.

Currently, OneSpan Sign provides Electronic Disclosures and Signatures Consent agreements in English and French. If you would like to provide an Electronic Disclosures and Signatures Consent agreement in different language, or if you do not want this agreement in your transactions, please contact our Support Team.

Adding a Consent Document

If you need a comparison to the basic object creation procedure, or if this is the first time creating a transaction, see Creating and Sending a Transaction.

 .WithDocument(DocumentBuilder.NewDocumentNamed("Sample consent")   .AtIndex(1)   .FromFile(@"C:/Users/hhaidary/Desktop/PDFs/consent.pdf")   .WithSignature(SignatureBuilder.AcceptanceFor("[email protected]"))) 

It is important to note that to use acceptance signature styles and other signature styles together in one document is not allowed. You can also replace the default OneSpan Sign consent document with your own. To do this you will have to contact our Support Team.


Once you have completed this procedure your Electronic Consent Document will be included with every transaction. Your signers can then choose to either accept the terms of document, or decline the signing process.

To download the full code sample see our Code Share site.

A consent document is a document used to confirm that a person agrees to the terms of the transaction and wishes to continue with the process.This topic shows you how to create a consent document in OneSpan Sign.

OneSpan Sign automatically includes the Electronic Disclosures and Signatures Consent agreement in all its transactions. All signers must accept the terms of this agreement before they can access transaction documents.

Currently, OneSpan Sign provides Electronic Disclosures and Signatures Consent agreements in English and French. If you would like to provide an Electronic Disclosures and Signatures Consent agreement in different language, or if you do not want this agreement in your transactions, please contact our Support Team.

Adding a Consent Document

If you need a comparison to the basic object creation procedure, or if this is the first time creating a transaction, see Creating and Sending a Transaction.

HTTP Request

 POST /api/packages/{packageId}/documents 

HTTP Headers

 Accept: text/html   Content-Type: multipart/form-data   Authorization: Basic api_key 

Request Payload

 ------WebKitFormBoundary1bNO60n7FqP5WO4t   Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="sample-contract.pdf"   Content-Type: application/pdf   %PDF-1.5   %µµµµ   1 0 obj   <>>>   endobj....   ------WebKitFormBoundary1bNO60n7FqP5WO4t   Content-Disposition: form-data; name="payload"   {   "approvals": [   {   "role": "48d0c024-0609-4255-9087-941a66f80738"   }   ],   "index": 1,   "name": "Sample consent",   "isConsent": true   }   ------WebKitFormBoundary1bNO60n7FqP5WO4t 

For a complete description of each field, see the Request Payload table below.

Response Payload

 {   "status": "",   "description": "",   "id": "bcd15ca2c46f4dcf618d61f437a9a06d21ec7517f92484c3",   "data": {   "ese_document_texttag_extract_needed": "false"   },   "approvals": [   {   "id": "k1r2qMRtCsI5",   "role": "48d0c024-0609-4255-9087-941a66f80738",   "data": null,   "signed": null,   "accepted": null,   "fields": [],   "name": ""   }   ],   "pages": [   {   "id": "",   "top": 0,   "height": 1030,   "width": 796,   "left": 0,   "index": 0,   "version": 0   }   ],   "external": null,   "extract": false,   "signedHash": null,   "signerVerificationToken": null,   "index": 1,   "fields": [],   "name": "Sample consent",   "size": 185808   } 

It is important to note that to use acceptance signature styles and other signature styles together in one document is not allowed. You can also replace the default OneSpan Sign consent document with your own. To do this you will have to contact our Support Team.


Once you have completed this procedure your Electronic Consent Document will be included with every transaction. Your signers can then choose to either accept the terms of document, or decline the signing process.

Request Payload Table

Property Type Editable Required Default Sample Values
index integer Yes No 0 0 / 1 / 2 ...
name string Yes No n/a Sample Consent
isConsent boolean Yes No false true / false
role string Yes No n/a 48d0c024-0609-4255-9087-941a66f80738

To download the full code sample see our Code Share site.

A consent document is a document used to confirm that a person agrees to the terms of the transaction and wishes to continue with the process. This topic shows you how to create a consent document in OneSpan Sign.

OneSpan Sign automatically includes the Electronic Disclosures and Signatures Consent agreement in all its transactions. All signers must accept the terms of this agreement before they can access transaction documents.

Currently, OneSpan Sign provides Electronic Disclosures and Signatures Consent agreements in English and French. If you would like to provide an Electronic Disclosures and Signatures Consent agreement in different language, or if you do not want this agreement in your transactions, please contact our Support Team.

Adding a Consent Document

This example shows you how to edit the document object.If you need a comparison to the basic document object creation procedure, or if this is the first time creating a package with the Apex SDK, see Creating and Sending a Transaction.

  //Add Signature   ESignLiveAPIObjects.Approval approval = new ESignLiveAPIObjects.Approval();   approval.role = roleId;   approval.fields = new List<ESignLiveAPIObjects.Field>();   String signatureResponse = sdk.addSignature(packageId, 'document1', approval); 

To set this document as an Accept Only document, set the approval.fields" attribute as an empty list. It is important to note that to use acceptance signature styles and other signature styles together in one document is not allowed.

You can also replace the default OneSpan Sign consent document with your own. To do this you will have to contact our Support Team.


Once you have completed this procedure your Electronic Consent Document will be included with every transaction. Your signers can then choose to either accept the terms of document, or decline the signing process.