Last modified: 2024-07-25

Mobile Signing Ceremony (On-Premises Only)

Starting with the 11.42 release of OneSpan Sign, the Classic User Experience is no longer supported for SaaS customers. This section is thus only intended for on-premises customers who have not yet migrated to our Container deployment.

The following sections discuss the Mobile Signing Ceremony:


The Classic User Experience supports the following:

  • Full Site Signing Experience — This is the signing experience provided to users on desktops, laptops, and tablets. It is also provided to users on mobile phones if they try to use a feature that is not supported by the Mobile Signing Ceremony.
  • Mobile Signing Ceremony — This is the signing experience provided to users of Mobile Web Applications, after the feature has been activated via our Support Team. For a list of the supported mobile phones, see the Prerequisites below.

The Mobile Signing Ceremony does not support all the features of the Full Site Signing Experience. The following table lists examples of supported and unsupported features.

Full Site Signing Experience Features Supported by the Mobile Signing Ceremony?
Logos No
Consent Form Yes
Accept Only Yes
SMS Authentication Yes
Q&A Authentication Yes
KBA Authentication No
Opt Out Yes
Decline Yes
Specify an Expiry Date Yes
Click-to-Sign Yes
Signature Capture Yes
Initials Yes
Data Capture Yes
In-Person Signing Yes
Change Signer Yes
Attachments No
Delegate Users No
Date Picker No

An Administrator can enable the redirection of signers to a customized external page when their session expires. To arrange this, please contact our Support Team.

Please be aware of the following:

  • If a user in a Mobile Signing Ceremony tries to use an unsupported feature, they will be directed to the Full Site Signing Experience, where the feature is supported.
  • Because of the smaller size of mobile phone screens, some terms that appear in the Mobile Signing Ceremony may differ from those that appear in the Full Site Signing Experience. We do our best to ensure that the signing experience is optimal for all users.
  • Although senders can specify any language listed here, the Mobile Signing Ceremony can display information only in English, Français, Deutsch, Português, and Español. If any other language is specified, the ceremony will default to English.


Before using the Mobile Signing Ceremony, you must meet the following conditions:

  • You have activated the Mobile Signing Ceremony via our Support Team.
  • Your mobile device uses one of the following Operating Systems:
    • iOS 9+
    • Android KitKat 4.4+
    • BlackBerry OS 10+

Signing Packages

To sign a package on your mobile phone via the Mobile Signing Ceremony:

  1. From your mobile phone, open the email informing you to sign a package and click the link to the package.
  2. All packages contain an Electronic Disclosure and Signature Consent. Read it, and click Accept.
  3. Preview the documents to be signed.
  4. At any time, you can click the mobile menu button to display other package information, such as:
    • A list of all documents in the package, and their completion status
    • The Package Description provided by the package creator
    • OneSpan Sign contact information
    • An Opt out button: If you tap this button, you are prompted to provide a reason for opting out of signing online. After providing a reason, click OK.
    • A Decline button: If you tap this button, you are prompted to provide a reason for declining to sign the document. After providing a reason, click OK.
  5. Tap a Signature Block to zoom in on it.
  6. If your phone is in Portrait Mode (held upright), you are asked to rotate it to Landscape Mode before capturing your signature.

  7. Draw your signature with your fingertip. Repeat this step for all Signature Blocks in all documents.
  8. After signing is complete, you will receive an email that will enable you to review and/or download the package's documents.

Signer Options

The following options are available via the Signer Options button in the Mobile Signing Ceremony:

Change Signer

Change Signer enables a signer to delegate the signing of their documents to someone else. The signer will be asked to enter the email address and full name of their delegate, along with an optional email message to the delegate.

In-Person Signing

It is sometimes convenient for a package's documents to be signed by the package owner and all other signers on the same device. For example, a life insurance agent may visit clients in their homes. Using a mobile device such as a tablet, the agent can prepare the insurance package while meeting with the clients, and both agent and clients can sign all documents during their meeting.

Such scenarios are called in-person signing. When that OneSpan Sign feature is enabled for a package, all the package's documents must signed on the same device by all signers.

By default, after each signer has completed their Signer Experience, the next signer must: (1) accept an affidavit that confirms their identity; (2) read and accept the Electronic Disclosure and Signature Consent form.

Both in-person signing and the appearance of the disclosure form can be disabled by contacting our Support Team.

To view a related procedure for Mobile Web Applications, see Capturing Signatures on Mobile Devices.

Video Tutorial

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