Mario9110 | Posts: 12

API for download docs does not return Documents

0 votes


I´m using /api/packages/{packageId}/attachment/{attachmentId} to dowload documents of a package that has been signged, how ever I´m getting a "404 Resource not found" error.


However document is present on the Package with the ID I´m sending in the attachmentId paramerter, could anyone point me as why this might be happening?






Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: API for download docs does not return Documents

1 votes

Hi Mario,


This API is used to download attachments uploaded by signers during the signing, can we make sure this is the correct API you want to use?

Or if you are looking for downloading signed document, below 3 APIs could help:


GET /api/packages/{packageId}/documents/zip                           download all signed documents in a zip file (exclude evidence summary)

GET /api/packages/{packageId}/evidence/summary                        download evidence summary

GET ​/api​/packages​/{packageId}​/documents​/{documentId}​/pdf              download a specific document



Mario9110 | Posts: 12

Reply to: API for download docs does not return Documents

0 votes

Hi Duo,


Thanks for your reply.


You are right, let me try to use GET ​/api​/packages​/{packageId}​/documents​/{documentId}​/pdf, and will let you know if I encounter any other issue

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