API Key Generate for Onprem eSign
Monday, December 2, 2019 at 08:55amLooking for some guidance on how to obtain an API key for the onprem version of onespan. My question is, how do we generate and use the api key? In our lower environment we have a key that our app uses that is not referenced in the UI and it decodes into 2 keys xxx:xxx where the ui keys generated on the user page decode into username:xxx. We can’t seem to figure out how to create this other key. Any point in the right direction would be awesome. Thanks.
checked on backoffice for the ui keys which i found on the user profiles
checked on frontend for any keys, unable to locate
Reply to: API Key Generate for Onprem eSign
Monday, December 2, 2019 at 09:58amGET /api/account/senders/{senderId}/apiKey
You can either write some script or through postman, or follow below steps: (1)Get the sender ID from backoffice "Sender Details" pageReply to: API Key Generate for Onprem eSign
Tuesday, December 3, 2019 at 02:20am