cindy | Posts: 381

apply handwritten signature to the document

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I saved the handwritten signature in the account under "Identity" tab, and in the document, I put a signature with "capture signature' type, but when i signing and click the signature box, the saved signature not applied instead of asking me to provide the signature again. 

what will be the issue? any backoffice setting i need to apply?





cindy | Posts: 381

Reply to: apply handwritten signature to the document

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also how can I remove the signature from "Identify" tab?



Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: apply handwritten signature to the document

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Hi Cindy,


For the issue that "saved signature not applied":

(1)you can check whether you have enabled the "enforce capture signature" feature, it's a setting "enforceCaptureSignature" could be both at package level or signature level. For a given package JSON:

Package level: "settings" > "ceremony" > make sure "enforceCaptureSignature" is false

Signature level: "documents" array > "approvals" array >  make sure "enforceCaptureSignature" is false, for all signatures

If package level is by default set to true, you can change the default value at backoffice.


(2)check whether the system read the "handdrawn" value read from sender profile, for a given package JSON:
the first role node in "roles" array > "signers" array > "signature" > check if "handdrawn" has value


To remove the signature from Identity tab, because all SaaS environments have redirected the page to new sender UI already, so I can't tell exactly how the signature plugin was designed in the Identity tab. Is it possible to click the "Save" without drawing? 

Because in other cases, users choose to import scanned signatures to sender profiles, instead of drawing with a mouse / on a pad. We have such a tool hosted in code share which allows a signature to be imported into an OneSpan Sign account from an image such as a .bmp or .png or .jpg file, just for your reference.




cindy | Posts: 381

Reply to: apply handwritten signature to the document

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Hi Duo,


thanks for replying. I noticed the issue too due to "enforce capture signature" feature. about removing the signature, what I did is to use API to remove it, but it's not the good solution, the senderUI user should be able to remove the signature from Identify tab.


by the way, we don't have new sender UI in our environment, could you please try to see if user can remove it from new sender UI?




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