fleblanc | Posts: 13

Are the data nodes of the document object and the approvals object editable?

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I can PUT to /packages/{packageId} and update a package's data node.

However I failed to update a document's data node (PUT to /packages/{packageId}/documents/{documentId}).

I also tried, but failed, to update the data node of the approvals object (PUT to  /packages/{packageId}/documents/{documentId}/approvals).

One can see that OSS is storing information in the data node of both the document object and the approvals array but is there a way for integrators to add elements to these nodes, in the same way that one can do it for the package object?

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Are the data nodes of the document object and the approvals object editable?

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Hi François,


Essentially, I am seeing the same behavior as you've observed:

Package Level Data: I can create attributes during package creation and update them with the PUT call

Role Level Data: I can both create and edit the attributes, just like package level data

Document Level Data: I can only create document attributes during package/document creation, but I can't update the value afterwards.

Approval/Field/Signer Level Data: I am not seeing data stored at the approval/field/signer level (always been "data":null), and I can't specify additional data.


So based on the statement above, if you agreed, we can fill in a bug for the document level data not able to be edited and a question ticket asking for confirmation whether the "data" node is just a placeholder in approval/field/signer.



Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

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