JPsOneSpan | Posts: 15

Automatically email the evidence.pdf once signing completes

0 votes

I know how to retrieve the evidence pdf with the below code:

    byte[] evidenceContent = eslClient.downloadEvidenceSummary(packageId);
    Files.saveTo(evidenceContent, "evidence.pdf");

But don't know how to let OSS to automatically email the singers the evidence.pdf once the signing is completed. My below code just attached the complete document pdf to the email, the evidence pdf was not attached. Thanks for your help!

    apiClient = new EslClient(ApiTokenConfig.newBuilder()
            baseUrl + "/api", false, null, false, new HashMap<String, String>());

Approved Answer
Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Automatically email the evidence.pdf once signing completes

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Hi Jianping,


This is because in normal scenarios, the evidence summary won't be delivered to external signers (especially if there are sensitive information about other signers). If you want to implement the function, you may have to deliver the file via your own email service.



JPsOneSpan | Posts: 15

Reply to: Automatically email the evidence.pdf once signing completes

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Got it. Thank you Duo!

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