gurvinder | Posts: 19

Autosign a Document

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Hi There, In our application, we generate a certificate for the end user when they complete the transaction and we want that certificate to be automatically signed for the user without any interaction from us. Is such kind of integration possible with eSignLive? If yes, what option do I need to use for that? Thanks, Gurvinder

Approved Answer
mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: Autosign a Document

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You can automatically sign a document with the API/SDK. See here: Auto Sign Documents - Java SDK However, this will not work with a custom certificate. Those can only be used through the UI.

- Michael

Director, Partner and Developer Technologies, OneSpan

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mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: Autosign a Document

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Hey Gurvinder, Would the user be an internal user or a known or unknown external user? Also, would you be wanting this transaction to be automatically completed with no user interaction? Or would the end user still view the document in eSignLive and sign via the UI? There is currently some self-cert signing, but only for Senders within your account. Sometime in 2017 (probably late Q2 or early Q3) there will be the ability for self-cert signing from anyone, but not in automated form. It will require the signer to interact within the UI to specify their self-sign cert. Let me know.

- Michael

Director, Partner and Developer Technologies, OneSpan

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gurvinder | Posts: 19

Reply to: Autosign a Document

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Hi Michael, It will an internal user and the signature transaction should be completed without user interaction. It is a insurance certificate that we want to sign, and we want it to be signed by the company automatically for the user.

mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: Autosign a Document

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Gurvinder, Signing with a personal certificate will only be available through the UI. In the current setup, if you turn self-cert on with support, every sender would be forced to sign with a CAC/PIV card. The update on this would allow for this to be specified, even for external signers, vs requiring it for all. If I can ask, what is the purpose of using a certificate that is created for a sender that they don't possess? Could you not just use the eSignLive API sign feature for these situations where there is no interaction? Let me know! I'd be interested in knowing more about the use case.

- Michael

Director, Partner and Developer Technologies, OneSpan

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gurvinder | Posts: 19

Reply to: Autosign a Document

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Hey Michael, The Use case if following: User enter their details to purchase the Insurance and once they make payment, we will generate a certificate that will contain details of their coverage. This certificate needs to be signed by the us and each certificate is unique for user(as it contains their details). I'm generating the certificate pdf from my application and I want to eSign it before user can download it. I can use Java SDK to send the document to eSignLive. But I cannot find the documentation that will allow me to automatically sign the document by me without my interaction. Hope this makes things clear. Thanks, Gurvinder

csar | Posts: 4

Reply to: Autosign a Document

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A Question, Can I auto-signing a document ? i try the endpoint

and get a http code 200 but not working , when i see the document i not see the firm


i try by java sdk and all good , working but not in rest

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

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Hi csar,


Thanks for your post!

First, since you are bulk signing on behalf of a signer, it's important to be aware that the audit trail would record that it's your application's IP that signed the contract, but the actual signer. Therefore you may also want to confirm with your legal team before following this path.


Secondly, the reason why it doesn't work is because this call "POST /api/packages/Iv32wnx3XegGtOACRnbwdfkUDD0=/documents/signed_documents" only auto-signs sender's signature. In order to sign on half of an external signer, there are two more steps as per this documentation:



Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

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