faheemkhan | Posts: 1

Is bulk package creation supported?

0 votes
Is bulk package creation and sending supported in .NET SDK API? Right now i am looping through a collection of package to create and send Package one by one through 'CreateAndSendPackage' API method in EslClient. Regards.

mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: Is bulk package creation supported?

1 votes
Hey faheemkhan, It is not currently available from the .NET SDK, as most just do exactly what you're currently doing from an integrated perspective. However, since our own UI uses our REST API, it is available from the REST API. You can find that guide, here: https://docs.esignlive.com/content/c_integrator_s_guide/rest_api/packages.htm#Bulk You'd be able to make this call from your application, just not using the SDK. Hope this helps.

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