Callback event
Tuesday, November 3, 2020 at 05:42amHi,
Application listener (callback URL) is not available when OSS triggers callback event upon completion of the transaction.
1. What happens to the requests that were completed at OSS end but not posted to application?
2. How does OSS ensure that completed requests are pushed back to application / consumer and at what frequency?
Thank you
Reply to: Callback event
Wednesday, November 4, 2020 at 11:39amHi Naresh,
Do you mean that your callback endpoint failed to receive the notification when the event of interest got triggered (for example when a package get completed)? In that case, OneSpan Sign will send an email to your sender notifying that there's a callback failed and the reason why it failed to be delivered :

For your second question:
-if OneSpan Sign failed to establish a connection with your callback server, the system will internally retry few times and if still can't reach out to your endpoint, an email like above with reason "Failed to communicate with the callback server." will be sent out.
-the callback notification will ONLY be sent at the moment when the event was triggered.
Reply to: Callback event
Friday, November 6, 2020 at 11:45pmHi Duo,
Thank you for clarifying. I have few more questions around this
1. In above two scenarios, OSS will send notify the consumer but how can a consumer take these transactions forward to closure?
2. if consumer application unable to download the zip (with signed docs) then how do we retry to get these zips (docs) downloaded? what if RETRY option is not available? What if RETRY fails?
3. What if application / consumer submitted the request but OSS did not acknowledge? what could be the next steps from OSS
Thanks in advance
Reply to: Callback event
Thursday, November 12, 2020 at 04:54amHi Duo, can you please help on above questions
Reply to: Callback event
Thursday, November 12, 2020 at 09:53amHi Naresh,
Sorry for the late reply! For your questions:
1. In above two scenarios, OSS will send notify the consumer but how can a consumer take these transactions forward to closure?
Yes, callback mechanism could fail very occasionally, that's why we suggest our clients to mainly reply on the callback notification, but also to build an active polling mechanism and to pull the account's latest updated packages every 6, 12, or 24 hours with a loop to make sure your local database is up-to-date.
2. if consumer application unable to download the zip (with signed docs) then how do we retry to get these zips (docs) downloaded? what if RETRY option is not available? What if RETRY fails?
Similar to above, you may need to design a manual step allowing end user to refresh the package status, or to trigger the downloading.
3. What if application / consumer submitted the request but OSS did not acknowledge? what could be the next steps from OSS
Do you mean what if the API failed, for example to download signed documents? In that case, your application should log the API responses, allow user to manually retry the process, and submit a support ticket if the API failure consistent.