cindy | Posts: 381

can not upload the document

0 votes


I tried to upload a document (attached) in the sender UI, it has error message as 'this document failed to upload and maybe locked'. but I tried it in the sandbox, and it's working fine.


could you please take a look to see what's the issue? our on-prem version is 11.25


Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

Reply to: can not upload the document

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Hi Cindy,


Thanks for the information! It seems the issue is caused by the PDF version - "Pdf version 1.7, Adobe Extension Level 11". And as we upgraded the PDF library used in document engine, this version get supported at one point between 11.25 and 11.35.

If you re-saved the PDF to a lower version (for example PDF 1.7, Acrobat 8.x), you should be able to upload it.



cindy | Posts: 381

Reply to: can not upload the document

0 votes

Hi Duo,


thanks for the information, do you know how to re-save PDF to the lower version? 



Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

Reply to: can not upload the document

0 votes

Hi Cindy,


Take Adobe Acrobat DC for example:

To change the version of a PDF you can go to menu File -> Save As Other -> Optimized PDF. On the dialog box disable all optimizations in the list on the left side, then select the PDF level by setting "Make compatible with" to the version of Acrobat your PDF version is compatible with.



sahrenity | Posts: 4

Reply to: can not upload the document

0 votes

Hey Duo,

Thanks for this information!


Rohan77 | Posts: 1

Reply to: can not upload the document

0 votes

It looks like you’re having trouble uploading a document. Please double-check the file size and format to ensure they meet the requirements. If the issue persists, try clearing your browser cache or using a different browser. If you continue to encounter difficulties, providing a specific error message or additional details might help us assist you further. Thank you for your patience. 


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