trevorewen | Posts: 43

Completed Signing Message

0 votes
I would like to show my signer a message that says something to the effect of: “Thank you for signing your application. We will send you a completed copy of the application signed by both you and the vender.” This would be something like an alert upon completed signature.

Approved Answer
mwilliams | Posts: 957

Reply to: Completed Signing Message

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You have the opportunity to have a completion dialog box pop up where you can put whatever text you'd like. You can also set up a handover url that will take your users to a particular page when they click "complete" (or whatever you have this text changed to) after completing the signing process. All you need to do is contact support to get this turned on for your account. The handover url and whether the dialog pops up can be manipulated with the API/SDK, but the text of the dialog box cannot. Also, through support, you can get this set as the default action for your account. Hope this helps.

trevorewen | Posts: 43

Reply to: Completed Signing Message

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Is there a support email address? Usually an easier option for me than calling. Thanks

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