alfredohrv | Posts: 27

Conditional Logic

0 votes

I am trying to understand how conditional fields and logic works in the .NET SDK C# code. I have 4 RADIO buttons, 4 TEXT fields and 4 SIGN fields. At the time of signing I need to be able to choose a RADIO button and this will trigger enabling a text box related to this button plus enabling the SIGNHERE related to it. At the same time will disable the rest of the TEXT and SIGNHERE options. Can we do that? Can you show me a code example? If I have to use the API to setup the condition and logic, can you tell me how. Attached are all my TABs from my XML file that translate to 
Here is a piece of code where I define the RADIO buttons

private SignatureBuilder SetupCustomTabRadioGroup(List<SignatureDetail> signatureDetails, string groupCondition, string signerEmail)
   // Create a new SignatureBuilder for the signer
   SignatureBuilder signatureBuilder = SignatureBuilder.SignatureFor(signerEmail);

   // Setup radio buttons based on the groupCondition
   foreach (var detail in signatureDetails)
       if (detail.CustomTabRadioGroupName == groupCondition)
           // Create a radio button for each condition met
           Field radioButton = FieldBuilder.RadioButton(detail.CustomTabRadioGroupName)
               .WithName(detail.ConditionalParentLabel) // Ensure each radio button has a unique name but shares a group name
               .WithValue(detail.ConditionalParentValue) // The value that gets submitted if this radio button is selected
               .WithPositionAnchor(new TextAnchor
                   AnchorText = detail.AnchorTabString,
                   XOffset = detail.AT_XOffset,
                   YOffset = detail.AT_YOffset                   

           // Add the radio button field to the signature builder

   return signatureBuilder;

alfredohrv | Posts: 27

Reply to: Conditional Logic

0 votes


alfredohrv | Posts: 27

Reply to: Conditional Logic

0 votes

My new question is why am I getting this error:

Could not create a new package one step. Exception: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request. HTTP POST on URI Optional details: {"messageKey":"error.validation.condition.syntaxError","message":"There is a syntax error in the conditional logic.","code":400,"name":"Validation Error"}

here is my json
 "Id": null,
 "Status": null,
 "Name": "Package with variable number of signers and documents",
 "Autocomplete": true,
 "Signers": [
     "Id": "1",
     "PlaceholderName": null,
     "GroupId": null,
     "KnowledgeBasedAuthentication": null,
     "Email": "[email protected]",
     "FirstName": "Andy",
     "LastName": "America",
     "Title": null,
     "Company": null,
     "SignerType": null,
     "Language": null,
     "CanChangeSigner": false,
     "Authentication": {
       "Method": {},
       "Challenges": [],
       "PhoneNumber": null,
       "IdvWorkflow": null
     "AuthenticationMethod": {},
     "ChallengeQuestion": [],
     "PhoneNumber": null,
     "DeliverSignedDocumentsByEmail": false,
     "SigningOrder": 1,
     "Message": null,
     "Locked": false,
     "Attachments": [],
     "LocalLanguage": null
 "Conditions": [
     "Id": "12",
     "Condition": "document['Agreement'].field['CUSTOM0015'].checked = true",
     "Action": "document['Agreement'].field['CUSTOM0016'].disabled = false"
 "Placeholders": [],
 "Documents": [
     "Name": "Form0002.PDF",
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alfredohrv | Posts: 27

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