tshill4455 | Posts: 7

Connection with Finastra (LaserPro)

0 votes

We are trying to hook up OneSpan with LaserPro and have the documentation to make the connection but no instructions on how it works once completed. I understand that LaserPro will export the docs for eSign but does that then open up in OneSpan. We need the ability to add additional docs to the package (not found in LaserPro) before sending to the client - trying to solve for this scenario.

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

Reply to: Connection with Finastra (LaserPro)

0 votes

Hi tshill4455,


Thanks for your post! From what I learned, it seems the integration was implemented by Finastra's team. Thus, if you have suggestions or enhancement requests regarding to the sending flow, please kindly raise it to Finastra's team who might know the internal workings better.



ahitchc3 | Posts: 1

Reply to: Connection with Finastra (LaserPro)

0 votes

We are needing some information on how to get laserpro and deposit pro set up with with onespan. Can someone provide me any details or instructions?

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