aaronstine | Posts: 8

Controlling Acceptance Signature Options

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Hello, We are setting a particular document in the package to use AcceptFor signatures. The document in question IS NOT the standard eSign consent form. It is another document that we simply want the signer to acknowledge. We are using this code: DocumentBuilder.WithSignature(SignatureBuilder.AcceptanceFor(signerEmailAddress) However during signing, the text on the buttons gives the generic "Accept" and "Opt Out" options. Is there some way to control the button text that appears to the signer for this document? Thanks, - Aaron

Approved Answer
harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: Controlling Acceptance Signature Options

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Hi Aaron, Unfortunately, the opt-out and accept buttons for consent documents are not customizable. You can have a look at this guide for what you can customize in the signing ceremony: https://developer.esignlive.com/guides/feature-guides/signing-ceremony-customization/. You also have the ability to customize the text that appears in the toolbar. However, this can only be done through support. [email protected]

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