AD240 | Posts: 12

Different names for transactions generated through the same bulksend

0 votes


I would like to know if, when bulksend transactions are generated, is there a way to generate each transaction with a different name to later identify them easier?

Thank you!


Duo_Liang | Posts: 3776

Reply to: Different names for transactions generated through the same bulksend

0 votes

Hi AD240,


Thanks for your post! Unfortunately, for the time being "Allow different transaction name to be specified in Bulk Send for each transaction created" is still a candidate Enhancement Request which hasn't been on roadmap. On top of that, there's another relevant request - "in sender UI, allow searching for transaction by company and signer name", which is also a candidate enhancement request.

I would update this thread once there's any updates to them.



Duo Liang OneSpan Evangelism and Partner Integrations Developer

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