gurvinder | Posts: 19

Document Id Unique

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Hi There, I am working on creating a package with a document that has an Id assigned to it: .withDocument( newDocumentWithName( "Second Document" ) .fromFile( "src/main/Resources/document.pdf" ) .withId( documentId ) I was wondering if this Id needs to be globally unique among all packages? Or does it have to be unique only for that package? I want to use this Id to download the signed file later using the following function: byte[] pdfDocumentBytes = eslClient.downloadDocument(packageId, documentId);

Approved Answer
harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: Document Id Unique

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Hi Gurvinder, The document id has to be unique only within a package and this is valid for any ids you can manually set in eSignLive. The only id that is unique on an account level is the package id.

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