AlfonsoEscobar | Posts: 2

Downloading Documents Zip file API not working

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I have been trying to test the Download Documents zip REST API and it's not working. I've tried through the sandbox and also via postman but I keep getting the following error:


{"message":"Not Acceptable","code":406,"messageKey":"http.status.406","name":"Not Acceptable"}


Has anyone got this error? Do you know how could I fix it?


My current PostMan configuration is:




Accept: application/pdf (I've tried with application/zip)

Content-Type: application/json

Authorization: Basic API-Key

sukhman_kaur | Posts: 13

Reply to: Downloading Documents Zip file API not working

0 votes

Hello Alfonso,

Indeed, the API call results in the error :
{"message":"Not Acceptable","code":406,"messageKey":"http.status.406","name":"Not Acceptable"}

Please use the updated Headers:

Content-Type: application/zip
Authorization: Basic API-Key

We have internally raised a request to update our documentation. 

Thank you

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