cindy | Posts: 381

Error when configuring document visibility

0 votes


I got the below error when configuring document visibility, could you please help me to understand what it means? and what could be wrong in my request?

[400, Bad Request]. Optional details: {\"messageKey\":\"error.validation.document.visibility.documentInvisibleToSigner\",\"parameters\":{\"userUid\":\"Primary01\",\"documentName\":\"docE\"},\"message\":\"The document cannot be hidden from the recipient because the recipient has signatures on the document.\",\"code\":400,\"name\":\"Validation Error\"}"



Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

Reply to: Error when configuring document visibility

0 votes

Hi Cindy,


It's very nice to hear from you!

From the error message "The document cannot be hidden from the recipient because the recipient has signatures on the document.", it sounds like you are only specifying visibility for "Primary01" in "docE", however there's another signer who also has signature in this document.

If you still can't figure it out, could you share the package JSON as well as the code around document visibility?



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