karenjorb | Posts: 12

Evidence is not downloaded completely through "Transaction Export & Download Tool"

0 votes

Good afternoon, 

when generating the download of documents through the OSS - Transaction Export & Download Tool .jar, not all the supports that were signed on the web are evident

Through the web on the portal you can download complete information. But when they use the tool it does not download all the information if the transaction has documents with the same name, only downloaded one.


Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

Reply to: Evidence is not downloaded completely through "Transaction Export & Download Tool"

0 votes

Hi Karen,


Thanks for reporting this to us! I have implemented a logic to handle the scenarios when there are multiple documents with the same filename in one transaction. Please download the latest Transaction Download & Export tool v1.6.9 and let me know if this resolves the issue.



karenjorb | Posts: 12

Reply to: Evidence is not downloaded completely through "Transaction Export & Download Tool"

0 votes

Hello Duo, thank you very much!
I did the test with the new version, of the 3 packages that are called the same. Downloaded two, one remained undownloaded

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

Reply to: Evidence is not downloaded completely through "Transaction Export & Download Tool"

0 votes

Yes, sorry for not fixing it in one shot! Please try the latest version and let me know if this resolves the issue!



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