dcarney | Posts: 27

Field Setting to make input required

0 votes

Hi there. I'm trying to make a textfield required. I see that I can do this when I'm about to send a transaction (see screenshot).

Is there a parameter I can include in the textfield in my document so that this field is already set to required?

When I looked at the texttag parameters I do not see one: https://community.onespan.com/documentation/onespan-sign/guides/feature-guides/developer/text-tag-extraction

I'm using a simple textfield for testing.



I would expect that there should be some kind of parameter like this




Approved Answer
Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

Reply to: Field Setting to make input required

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Hi Dan,


Thanks for your post!

The third character of the text tags can be used to indicate if the field is required. There are two available options, question mark (?) or an asterisk (*). An asterisk indicates that an Input Field is required. A question mark indicates that an Input Field is optional. See below:



dcarney | Posts: 27

Reply to: Field Setting to make input required

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Thank you!

dcarney | Posts: 27

Reply to: Field Setting to make input required

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Hi Duo,

We are using Salesforce to generate the transaction, when i added in the * to the tag, I received this error. It works without the *. 

13:22:39:620 FATAL_ERROR CongaDocument.CongaDocumentException: {"messageKey":"error.validation.texttag.missingRequiredInformation","parameters":{"tag":"{{esl*:marketexpert:textfield:offset(-70,-10),size(75,20)}}"},"message":"{{esl*:marketexpert:textfield:offset(-70,-10),size(75,20)}}: Missing Role Name and/or Field Type.","code":400,"name":"Validation Error"}


Any sense on what could be causing this?



Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

Reply to: Field Setting to make input required

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HI Dan,


Could you try {{*esl:marketexpert:textfield:offset(-70,-10),size(75,20)}}? (* before esl)



dcarney | Posts: 27

Reply to: Field Setting to make input required

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That was it! Thank you!

AlexJuvion | Posts: 12

Reply to: Field Setting to make input required

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