sumantasaha | Posts: 11

Handle Email Bounce

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We have the requirement to display the user whose email has bounced. We have used EMAIL_BOUNCE event, but that event is not having all the information it feels. Please propose a possible way to get the data during EMAIL_BOUNCE.




sumantasaha | Posts: 11

Reply to: Handle Email Bounce

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Update on the post:

I have tried to handle the EMAIL_BOUNCE event in callback. However, the event is not triggered even incorrect email address mentioned.

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

Reply to: Handle Email Bounce

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Hi Sumanta,


When a recipient set auto-reply for the email or when OneSpan Sign failed to deliver the email to the mailbox in either of the two scenarios: (1)email domain is not valid (2)email username doesn't exist, an Out-Of-The-Office email will be sent to inform your package owner:3-5-1

At the same time, the EMAIL_BOUNCE callback event will be triggered, a POST request with below payload will be sent to your callback URL:


From where, the name "EMAIL_BOUNCE" is the callback event type, the sessionUser "f657e425-276f-4843-995a-33f31d523ef8" is the signer ID of the recipient, and the package ID.


If your account owner hasn't received the OOTO email, you can share the package ID and the environment(sandbox vs production), so that I can help you check the email status.




Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

Reply to: Handle Email Bounce

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The available values of "message" from the payload are "BOUNCE" and "OOTO", tells your application whether the event was triggered because the email is invalid or because of the OOTO reply.



mknollin | Posts: 18

Reply to: Handle Email Bounce

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Is it possible via API to return the email address that bounced ?

Duo_Liang | Posts: 3777

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Hi Mark,


Take this callback for example:

The "sessionUser" here refers to the Signer ID. If you pulled the package JSON with "GET /api/packages/{packageId}", signer ID can be located at "roles" > "signers" > "id".



mknollin | Posts: 18

Reply to: Handle Email Bounce

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Yes I see the "id : xxxx" under signers and just above in the JSON at the same level, I see the detail about the signer, email, name , company ect...

mknollin | Posts: 18

Reply to: Handle Email Bounce

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My Onespan callback notifications were working fine until recently. Now Onespan call back notifications are sending me a "GET" request instead of a "POST" request. This must be why all of a sudden my payload is empty. Any idea what has happened ?

mknollin | Posts: 18

Reply to: Handle Email Bounce

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FYI, I found the problem. I had setup a URL redirect on the server and by doing this for some reason the POST was getting converted to a GET request. Maybe onespan cannot find my URL redirect and generates an error which turns the POST into a GET request.

I removed the call back URL and replaced it with the original URL I was using in the beginning and now I am getting the POST requests correctly.

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