serg | Posts: 18

Handover URL details about the redirect

0 votes
Our developers have a question around the specific details around how the redirect from Silanis to the handover URL is handled. Could someone shed some light onto what mechanism is used? We are embedding the signing experience in an iFrame and are trying to iron out some issues and the details around this could help us out. Thanks!

Approved Answer
harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: Handover URL details about the redirect

1 votes
I just had a chat with one of your front-end developers and he said that it's done using window.location.href. Let me know if you have any other questions :)

harishaidary | Posts: 1812

Reply to: Handover URL details about the redirect

0 votes
Hey serg, What sort of specifics are you looking for? When you set a handover url, the user will be redirected the url you specified within the iframe upon clicking the handover url button.

serg | Posts: 18

Reply to: Handover URL details about the redirect

0 votes
We're looking for how the contents of the iframe are redirected. Is it by doing setting iframe.src, window.location, 302 redirect, or some other method?

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